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Strategic Management:

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1 Strategic Management:
Chapter 8 Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 9th edition Fred R. David PowerPoint Slides by Anthony F. Chelte Western New England College Fred R. David Prentice Hall

2 Chapter Outline The Nature of Strategy Implementation Marketing Issues
Research and Development (R&D) Issues Fred R. David Prentice Hall

3 Chapter Outline Finance/Accounting Issues
Management Information Systems Issues Fred R. David Prentice Hall

4 Implementing Strategies
There is no “perfect” strategic decision. One always has to pay a price. One always has to balance conflicting objectives, conflicting opinions, and conflicting priorities. The best strategic decision is only an approximation—and a risk -- Peter Drucker Fred R. David Prentice Hall

5 Implementing Strategies
Strategy implementation means change Fred R. David Prentice Hall

6 Implementing Strategies:
Less than 10% of strategies formulated are successfully implemented! Fred R. David Prentice Hall

7 Implementing Strategies:
Low strategy implementation success: Failing to segment markets appropriately Paying too much for a new acquisition Falling behind competition in R&D Not recognizing benefit of computers in managing information Fred R. David Prentice Hall

8 Implementing Strategies:
For Successful Strategy Implementation -- Firms must market goods and services well Firms must raise needed working capital Firms produce technologically-sound goods Firms must have sound information systems Fred R. David Prentice Hall

9 Marketing Issues Marketing variables affect success or failure of strategy implementation Market Segmentation Production Positioning Fred R. David Prentice Hall

10 Strategy Analysis & Choice
Implementing Strategies: Marketing Issues Strategy Analysis & Choice Marketing Decisions requiring polices – Use exclusive dealerships or multiple channels of distribution Use heavy, light, or no TV advertising Limit (or not) the share of business done with a single customer Fred R. David Prentice Hall

11 Strategy Analysis & Choice
Implementing Strategies: Marketing Issues Strategy Analysis & Choice Marketing Decisions requiring polices – Be a price leader or price follower Offer a complete or limited warranty Reward salespeople based on straight commission or combination salary/commission Fred R. David Prentice Hall

12 Market Segmentation Subdividing of a market into distinct subsets of customers according to needs and buying habits Fred R. David Prentice Hall

13 Market Segmentation Widely used in implementing strategies
Small and specialized firms Fred R. David Prentice Hall

14 Market Segmentation Market Segmentation Important Variable:
Market and product development, market penetration, and diversification require increased sales through new markets or products Fred R. David Prentice Hall

15 Market Segmentation Market Segmentation Important Variable:
Firm can operate with limited resources. Enables a small firm by maximizing per-unit profits and per-segment sales. Fred R. David Prentice Hall

16 Market Segmentation Market Segmentation Important Variable:
Segmentation decisions directly affect marketing mix variables: Product, place, promotion, and price Fred R. David Prentice Hall

17 Marketing Mix – Component Factors
Service level Warranty Transportation carriers Product line Inventory levels/locations Packaging Publicity Sales territories Brand name Payment terms Sales promotion Outlet location Style Discounts & allowances Personal selling Distribution coverage Features Level Advertising Distribution channels Quality Price Promotion Place Product Fred R. David Prentice Hall

18 Market Segmentation Bases for Segmenting Markets -- Geographic
Demographic Psychographic Behavioral Fred R. David Prentice Hall

19 Market Segmentation Geographic Basis: Region County Size
City or SMSA size Density Climate Fred R. David Prentice Hall

20 Market Segmentation Demographic Basis: Age Family Size
Family Life Cycle Income Occupation Education Religion Race Nationality Fred R. David Prentice Hall

21 Market Segmentation Psychographic Basis: Social Class Lifestyle
Personality Fred R. David Prentice Hall

22 Market Segmentation Behavioral Basis: Use occasion Benefits sought
User status Usage rate Loyalty status Readiness Stage Attitude toward product Fred R. David Prentice Hall

23 Product Positioning Developing schematic representations that reflect how products or services compare to competitors’ on dimensions most important to success in the industry Fred R. David Prentice Hall

24 Product Positioning Product Positioning based on: Customers wants
Customers needs Fred R. David Prentice Hall

25 Product Positioning Steps
1. Select Key Criteria 2. Diagram Map Product Positioning Steps Plot competitors’ products 4. Look for niches 5. Develop Marketing Plan Fred R. David Prentice Hall

26 Product Positioning Map
High Convenience Rental Car Market Firm 1 Firm 2 High Customer Loyalty Low Customer Loyalty Firm 3 Low Convenience Fred R. David Prentice Hall

27 Product Positioning Product Positioning Map as Strategy-Implementation Tool— Look for vacant niche Avoid suboptimization Don’t serve 2 segments with same strategy Don’t position in the middle of the map Fred R. David Prentice Hall

28 Finance/Accounting Issues
Central to Strategy Implementation – Acquiring needed capital Developing pro forma financial statements Preparing financial budgets Evaluating worth of a business Fred R. David Prentice Hall

29 Decisions Requiring Finance/Accounting Policies
Raise capital w/ short-term, long-term preferred or common stock Lease or buy fixed assets Determine an appropriate dividend payout ratio Use LIFO, FIFO, or market-value accounting approach Fred R. David Prentice Hall

30 Decisions Requiring Finance/Accounting Policies
Extend time of accounts receivable Establish percentage discount on accounts for terms Determine the amount of cash kept on hand Fred R. David Prentice Hall

31 Finance/Accounting Issues
Acquiring Capital to Implement Strategies – Basic sources of capital: Debt Equity Fred R. David Prentice Hall

32 Finance/Accounting Issues
Debt vs. Equity Decisions – EPS/EBIT analysis Earnings per share/Earnings before interest and taxes Fred R. David Prentice Hall

33 Finance/Accounting Issues
Pro Forma Financial Statements - Allows an organization to examine the expected results of various actions and approaches Fred R. David Prentice Hall

34 Finance/Accounting Issues
6 Steps in Pro Forma Financial Analysis Prepare income statement before balance sheet (forecast sales) Use percentage-of-sales method to project CGS and expenses Calculate projected net income Subtract dividends to be paid from Net Income and add remaining to Retained Earnings Project balance sheet times beginning with retained earnings List comments (remarks) on projected statements Fred R. David Prentice Hall

35 Finance/Accounting Issues
Financial Budget – Document that details how funds will be obtained and spent for a specified period of time. Fred R. David Prentice Hall

36 Finance/Accounting Issues
Types of Budgets – Cash budgets Operating budgets Sales budgets Profit budgets Factory budgets Capital budgets Expense budgets Divisional budgets Variable budgets Flexible budgets Fixed budgets Fred R. David Prentice Hall

37 Evaluating Worth of a Business
Central to strategy implementation as integrative, intensive and diversification strategies are often implement through acquisitions of other firms. Fred R. David Prentice Hall

38 Evaluating Worth of a Business
3 Basic approaches: What a firm owns What a firm earns What a firm will bring in the market Fred R. David Prentice Hall

39 Research & Development Issues
New products and improvement of existing products that allow for effective strategy implementation Fred R. David Prentice Hall

40 Research & Development Issues
Level of support is constrained by resource availability Technological improvements shorten product life cycles Fred R. David Prentice Hall

41 Research & Development Issues
3 Major R&D approaches to implementing strategies – First firm to market new technological products Be an innovative imitator of successful products Low-cost producer of similar but less expensive products Fred R. David Prentice Hall

42 Key Terms Cash Budget E-mail EPS/EBIT Analysis Financial Budget
Information Systems Market Segmentation Marketing-mix Variables Fred R. David Prentice Hall

43 Key Terms Multidimensional Scaling Outstanding Shares Method
Price-earnings Ratio Method Pro Forma Financial Statement Analysis Product Positioning Fred R. David Prentice Hall

44 Key Terms Research and Development Retained Earnings Vacant Niche
World Wide Web Fred R. David Prentice Hall

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