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LDS EXPERIENCES IN IRRIGATION WATER HARVESTING. Presentation by U.Gwate Lutheran Development Service.

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Presentation on theme: "LDS EXPERIENCES IN IRRIGATION WATER HARVESTING. Presentation by U.Gwate Lutheran Development Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 LDS EXPERIENCES IN IRRIGATION WATER HARVESTING. Presentation by U.Gwate Lutheran Development Service

2 BACKGROUND ABOUT THE LDS Development arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe.(NGO) Associate program of the Lutheran World Federation. Has been operational in country since 1982 Member of the ACT Alliance. Implements an integrated rural development project in Beitbridge, Chivi, Gwanda, Mberengwa, Mwenezi and Zvishavane.

3 WATER HARVESTING Done through sinking,drilling,construction or rehabilitation of the following; Wells Boreholes Rain water harvesting tanks Weirs Dams

4 WELLS LDS has stopped sinking of new wells despite the following advantages Sinking less costly as it uses local labor. Usable even in the event of pump break down. Easy to rehabilitate in the event of breakdown. Ease of pumping owing to average depth

5 WELLS DISADVANTAGES Maximum depth(30m) hence susceptible to drying with lowering of water table. Easily contaminated (3m diameter) In some instances yield compromised by depth May not irrigate more than a hectare Risky during sinking- blasting

6 BOREHOLES LDS continues to promote boreholes for safe drinking water as well as food production through irrigation. Their advantages are that it : Can irrigate more than a hectare depending on yield. Less susceptible to contamination Depth can go to beyond 30m thus tapping more water. Less risk to humans owing to diameter of hole.

7 BOREHOLES DISADVANTAGES Once broken down people have no alternative way of accessing water. Comparably expensive Some are too cumbersome to operate. Competition between drinking and irrigation. Can not support irrigation of large piece of land to address food security

8 PUMPING SYSTEMS For boreholes and wells LDS has tried a number of pumping systems Lister diesel engines-phased off owing to maintenance, running costs and security challenges. Hand pumps-easy to maintain, less running costs but laborious to operate compromising both the health of the irrigators and the size of land under irrigation Solar pumps –performance and efficacy yet to be gauged

9 DAMS Size up to 200 000 cubic meters Can be earth fill, masonry or both. Masonry ones have been comparably durable. Can be put up by a Contractor or by the community. Earth fill need plant and equipment Masonry most work done by community. Community- slow but has a number of benefits viz, skills transfer, ownership derived from participation, social cohesion etc.

10 DAMS CONT’D Water flows by gravity through outlet pipe connecting to canal/pipeline Not labor intensive Supports agric & non agric activities +fishing Can irrigate up to 5ha or more Benefits more households Use of bumi pump from pools downstream Initial heavy labor (dam construction).

11 CHALLENGES/LESSONS LEARNT Gardens do not provide the staple food but from sales of produce irrigators realise income to procure staple food, pay school and medical fees etc. Water harvesting has resolved issues of food production but there is still a challenge of produce marketing. Preservation through solar drying has addressed issues of perishability and post harvest losses but not marketing.

12 Challenges/Lessons Key factors in produce marketing Value addition, transport, packaging & recipes Water harvested irrigates limited plot sizes thus few beneficiaries Conflict between livestock farmers and irrigators. More farmers wanting to join project in bad years- Do no harm.

13 Lessons Need more boreholes/dams to reach the needy populations scattered in the country side. Use consortia approach to harvest more water to irrigate sizable land pieces. Robust constitutions and leadership to handle and resolve water related disputes Assist communities on alternative preservation methods and value addition.

14 Explore public private partnerships in both harvesting and marketing produce. (Murowa) Lessons

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