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Info-Tech Research Group1 1 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice.

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Presentation on theme: "Info-Tech Research Group1 1 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Info-Tech Research Group1 1 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © 1997-2014 Info-Tech Research Group Inc. Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Transfer IT Knowledge Before It’s Gone 66 million Baby Boomers are set to retire and they’re taking 50+ years of knowledge with them. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© 1997 - 2014 Info-Tech Research Group

2 Info-Tech Research Group2 2 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 This Research is Designed For:This Research Will Help You: This Research Will Assist:This Research Will Help You: This Research Is Designed For:This Research Will Help You: This Research Will Also Assist:This Research Will Help Them: Our Understanding of the Problem CIOs Project Managers Business Analysts Build a strategic roadmap to retain and share knowledge in your IT organization. Build a fit-for-purpose strategy for knowledge transfer based on your organization’s business goals. Select knowledge transfer tactics based on the type of information and the knowledge source’s risk profile. IT Managers HR Increase departmental efficiencies through increased collaboration. Retain key IT knowledge. Improve junior employee engagement by creating development opportunities with senior staff.

3 Info-Tech Research Group3 3 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Resolution Situation ! Complication ? Info-Tech Insight Executive Summary Over 66 million Baby Boomers will retire within the next 20 years, which means that a significant portion of your IT knowledge will be gone. Effective knowledge transfer mitigates risks from employees leaving the organization and is a key asset driving innovation and customer service. Despite the looming threat of baby boomer retirement, 74% of organizations do not have a formal process for capturing and retaining knowledge – which when lost results in decreased productivity, increased risk, and money out the door. It’s estimated that Fortune 500 companies lose approximately $31.5 billion each year by failing to share knowledge. Use Info-Tech’s 5 step process to build a fit-for-purpose IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap. Our client tested methodology and project steps allow you to tailor your knowledge transfer plan to any size of organization, across industries. Successful completion of the IT knowledge transfer project will result in the following outcomes: 1. Approval for IT knowledge transfer project obtained. 2. Knowledge and stakeholder risks identified. 3. Effective knowledge transfer plans built. 4. Knowledge transfer roadmap built. 5. Knowledge transfer roadmap communicated and approval obtained. 1.Don’t follow a one-size fits all approach to knowledge transfer strategy! Right-size your approach based on your organizational goals. 2.Prioritize knowledge transfer candidates based on their likelihood of departure and the impact of losing that knowledge. 3.What you’re transferring impacts how you should transfer it – Select knowledge transfer tactics based on the type of knowledge that needs to be captured – explicit or tacit.

4 Info-Tech Research Group4 4 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Info-Tech’s approach to knowledge transfer best practices builds on the COBIT 5 framework Our best-practice approach is grounded in COBIT and enhanced by the insights and guidance from our analysts, industry experts, and our clients. Their expertise spreads across the spectrum of industries and organizational sizes, and as a result, when integrated, each project step, tool, and template is designed to be highly usable and effective. The Info-Tech Approach COBIT 5 Knowledge transfer Best Practices Info-Tech Insight Clients – Analysts – Experts Over 1000+ hours of primary and secondary research. Analyst Team with over 25+ years of experience, and the process is client tested. Most widely used international business framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT. Research grounded in COBIT 5 Enhanced by best practices Optimized through experience and tested to ensure results

5 Info-Tech Research Group5 5 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Section 2: Structure the project Get off to a productive start: Discuss knowledge transfer maturity goal and metrics. Review the IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template. Sections 3 & 4: Build knowledge transfer plans Identify knowledge priorities and plan transfer tactics: Review the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool. Discuss differences between tacit and explicit knowledge and the most effective transfer tactics for different situations. Review IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template. Section 5: Build knowledge transfer roadmap Roadmap creation: Determine logistics of implementing transfer tactics and create key messages to present the roadmap to stakeholders. Review roadmap and metrics. Info-Tech is ready to assist. Book a free guided implementation today! Book a Guided Implementation Today: Info-Tech is just a phone call away and can assist you with your project. Our expert Analysts can guide you to successful project completion. For most members, this service is available at no additional cost.* * Guided Implementations are included in most advisory membership seats. Here are the suggested Guided Implementation points in the Transfer IT Knowledge Before It’s Gone project:

6 Info-Tech Research Group6 6 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Establish baseline metrics Metric DescriptionCurrent MetricFuture Goal Percent of knowledge transfer plans in place Preparedness level for workforce retirement 1.Decreased knowledge risk. 2.Increased knowledge sharing. Info-Tech recommends tracking the first two metrics (in bold) to measure the value realized from completing this project. Baseline metrics will improve through: How to measure % of knowledge transfer plans in place: 1. Use Info-Tech’s IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool Tab 5. Prioritized List which shows the percent of knowledge transfer plans in place.IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool 2. Retake the assessment at the end of the project to measure the new percent of knowledge transfer plans in place. How to measure preparedness level for workforce retirement: 1.Ask IT Leaders to answer the following question: How prepared do you believe the organization is for IT staff retirement? 1– Very unprepared 2 – Unprepared 3 – Somewhat unprepared 4 – Somewhat prepared 5 – Prepared 6 – Completely prepared 2. Average the managers’ scores. 3. Survey the same managers again after 3-6 months following project completion.

7 Info-Tech Research Group7 7 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 What’s in this Section:Sections: Make the Case for Knowledge Transfer Make the Case Structure the Project Identify Knowledge Priorities Build Knowledge Transfer Plans Build Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Minimize risk and IT costs resulting from attrition through effective knowledge transfer. Avoid knowledge transfer risks. Understand knowledge transfer. Introduction to Info-Tech’s 4-layer knowledge transfer maturity model. Introduction to the Info-Tech approach to knowledge transfer.

8 Info-Tech Research Group8 8 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Stop your knowledge from walking out the door through effective knowledge transfer of organizations have no formal process for facilitating knowledge transfer. 2 74% Today, the value of an organization has less to do with its fixed assets and more to do with its intangible assets. Intangible assets include patents, research and development, business processes and software, employee training, and employee knowledge and capability. In 1982, the value of publicly traded companies was made up of 62% tangible assets and 38% intangible assets. 5 In 2012, the value of publicly traded companies was made up of only 20% tangible assets and 80% intangible assets. 5 People (and their knowledge and capabilities) are an organization’s competitive advantage and with the baby boomer retirement looming, organizations need to invest in capturing employee knowledge before they leave. Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure has a direct impact on the bottom line in terms of disrupted productivity, severed relationships, and missed opportunities. Knowledge Transfer (KT) is the process and tactics by which intangible assets – expertise, knowledge, and capabilities – are transferred from one stakeholder to another. A well devised knowledge transfer plan will mitigate the risk of knowledge loss, yet as many as 74% 2 of organizations have no formal approach to KT – and it’s costing them money, reputation, and time. of publically traded companies’ assets are intangible. 5 80% baby boomers will retire within the next 20 years.4 66 million 1 Babcock1 Babcock, 2004, p. 46 4 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 201215th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012 2 Source: McLean & Company, 2013, N=120 5 International IP Strategists Association 3, 2012 is lost annually by Fortune 500 companies failing to share knowledge. 1 $31.5 billion of executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as a major cause of workplace failures. 3 96%

9 Info-Tech Research Group9 9 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Losing knowledge will undermine your organization’s strategy in four ways In a worst case scenario, key employees leaving will result in the loss of valuable knowledge, core business relationships, and profits. “An employee at Texas Instruments who worked on a production line retired, and she was the only one who knew that the best way to work the machines was not what was written in the operating manual. Rectifying the resulting mistake cost $200,000.” (Source: Lost Knowledge – What Are You and Your Organization Doing About It?”). Case Study: What lost knowledge can cost you… Inefficiency due to “reinvention of the wheel.” When older workers leave and don’t effectively transfer their knowledge, younger generations duplicate effort to solve problems and find solutions. Reduced capacity to innovate. Older workers know what works and what doesn’t, as well as what’s new and what’s not. They can identify the status quo faster to make way for novel thinking. Loss of competitive advantage. What and who you know is a tremendous source of competitive edge. Losing knowledge and/or established client relationships hurts your asset base and stifles growth, especially in terms of proprietary or unique knowledge. Increased vulnerability. One thing that comes with knowledge is a deeper understanding of risk. Losing knowledge can impede your organizational ability to identify, understand, and mitigate risks. You’ll have to learn through experience all over again.

10 Info-Tech Research Group10Info-Tech Research Group10 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Are you part of the 74% of organizations with no knowledge transfer planning in place? Can you afford not to have it? is the cost of mainframe outages for an average enterprise. 1 $14k / minute of CIOs report mainframe applications will remain a key asset in the next decade. 1 78% A system failure to a mainframe could be disastrous for organizations that haven’t effectively transferred key knowledge. Now think past the mainframe to key processes, customer/vendor relationships, legal requirements, home grown solutions etc. in your organization. What would knowledge loss cost you in terms of financial and reputational loss? the average age of mainframe workers – making close to 50% of workers over 60. 2 55-60 of Fortune 500 companies still use mainframes 1 requiring specialized skills and knowledge. 80% Consider this: Source: 2 IT's most wanted: Mainframe programmers IT's most wanted: Mainframe programmersSource: 1 Big Tech Problem as Mainframes Outlast WorkforceBig Tech Problem as Mainframes Outlast Workforce

11 Info-Tech Research Group11Info-Tech Research Group11 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Insurance organization fails to mitigate risk of employee departure and incurs costly consequences – in the millions A rapidly growing organization's key Senior System Architect unexpectedly fell ill and needed to leave the organization. This individual had been with the organization for more than 25 years and was the primary person in IT responsible for several mission critical systems. Situation Following this individual’s departure, one of the systems unexpectedly went down. As this individual had always been the go-to person for the system, and issues were few and far between, no one had thought to document key system elements and no knowledge transfer had taken place. Complication The failed system cost the organization more than a million dollars in lost revenue. The organization needed to hire a forensic development team to reverse engineer the system. This cost the organization another $200k in consulting fees plus the additional cost of training existing employees on a system which they had originally been hoping to upgrade. Consequences Industry: Insurance IT department:20 employees

12 Info-Tech Research Group12Info-Tech Research Group12 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing V4 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: 1-888-670-8889

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