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1 (MCC) Installation CYP Director Training October 2015


3 MCC SYSTEM UPDATE System interruption update Contingency plan so programs can continue to support families o MCC Central posts latest updates, FAQs o System Interruption Job Aid: tips and instructions for before, during, and after an outage  Generate Waitlist Export Report regularly, export as Excel spreadsheet so that offers can continue to be made and tracked  Use MCC Request for Care or similar form to collect requests  Help Desk support and points of contact

4 SYSTEM PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT  Phase I: Address priorities to ensure MCC meets the basic/core needs of families and programs  Phase II: Complete technical upgrade of system  Phase III: Implement “interface” with CYMS  Phase IV: Implement hourly care  Phase V: Implement integration with school districts, community programs, youth programs


6 TRAINING & IMPLEMENTATION UPDATES  MCC Training model  Global Launch  Anticipated Placement Time (APT)  MCC Reports

7 MCC TRAINING MODEL Online self-paced resources (virtual modules, reference guides, job aids) Basic transition support –Series of five calls –Individualized support –CDH staff call (new)  Enhanced transition support based on size/need  Expanded transition support to support use of MCC after the transition –Optional waitlist webinar –Optional report webinar  Support beyond the transition –TBD based on implementation survey results

8 MCC GLOBAL LAUNCH Rollout occurs over seven phases, wrapping up in December 2016 230 installations (across all Services) transitioning to MCC 62 installations are Navy, and 42 Navy installations have transitioned to date Approximately 16,000 Navy households are currently in the system

9 ANTICIPATED PLACEMENT TIME (APT) APT is defined as the estimated time between the date care is needed by the family and the date care is offered by the program. MCC uses two types of APT: –static baseline –system calculated

10 APT PERFORMANCE The APT performance metric measures accuracy of –Initial APT estimate provided to families during search –Revised estimate if priority, DCN or care option changes Target is for at least 90% of offers to be made before or during the initial/revised estimate –Maximum of 10% offers made no more than one day after the initial or revised initial APT estimate

11 MCC REPORTS Offer Reports –Identify offers made, the status of each offer, and whether the DoD performance metric was met Waitlist Reports –Monitor and analyze waitlist activity in the system  Operation Reports –Support various system monitoring activities (use of cannot fulfill)

12 OFFER REPORTS 12 ReportPurposeApplication Offer Performance Report: Detail Identifies the number of children for which an offer has been made within 90 days of the date care needed (DoD metric) Report performance related to meeting the DoD metric of offering care to families within 90 days of the date care needed Offer Performance Report: Summary Identifies the number and percentage of Met, Not Met, and Open requests by installation Offer Status Report Identify the total number of offers made by month and the status of each offer  Monitor the number and frequency of offers made compared to known vacancies  Identify % of offers that are accepted and declined

13 WAITLIST REPORTS 13 ReportPurposeApplication Unmet Request Report Identify the number of children who have an immediate need for care who have not received an offer Supports planning by identifying the true unmet need (e.g., the number of children for whom no offer has been made) Waitlist Request Report Identify all active requests, including families’ preferences  Inform programs of where families are placing requests (to determine preferred programs and locations)  Inform identification of desirable location and/or program features Waitlist Export Report Includes all request details from the waitlist, including sequence number, sponsor name, child name, priority, RFC date, etc. Facilitates placement of children for programs that make offers using a different age configuration than used by the system

14 OPERATION REPORTS 14 ReportPurposeApplication Cannot Fulfill Report: Detail and Rollup Identify programs that are not fulfilling requests and the associated reasons Detail Report: allows users to review individual circumstances related to requests that could not be fulfilled Rollup Report: identify the most common reasons requests could not be fulfilled Duplicate Household Report Identify possible duplicate household profiles using information including:  Phone Number  Sponsor’s Name  Child’s Name  Child’s Date of Birth Ensure each family has a single household account and duplicates are identified for removal Program Content Status Report Summarize the status of program content development (not yet started, in progress, or complete) Assess Go Live readiness during a transition


16 CUSTOMER SUPPORT UPDATES MCC Help Desk Trends MCC Communication Plan Customer Feedback Mechanisms Marketing & Outreach

17 HELP DESK TRENDS Trend Report –Contact Type –Average Resolution Time –Topic Categories –Triage Tickets –System Defects –Parent Complaints

18 MCC COMMUNICATION PLAN 1.Public Affairs Guidance – foundational information and messaging 2.News and Announcements – information for the public (Where are We Now? FAQs, News & Announcements page) 3.Marketing and Outreach (toolkits, installation marketing activity plan, etc.) 4.Customer Feedback (various feedback mechanisms) 5.Incident Management (communication responses/levels)

19 CUSTOMER FEEDBACK MECHANISMS Transition Event Survey – MCC Coordinators Transition Event Debrief – HQ Service Reps MCC Implementation Survey – Families MCC Implementation Survey – Programs Marketing & Outreach Discussion Groups – PAO, Marketing, Service Reps, MCC Coordinators Direct Help Desk Calls/Emails Link on Help Desk emails for optional feedback (“Tell us how we’re doing” approach) Optional feedback with families/programs calling the Help Desk



22 HOW WILL WE KNOW MCC IS SUCCESSFUL? Goals: a) To reduce the length of time families wait for care and b) expedite child care placement Contributing factors - what we know now: –Programs are “cleaning” their waitlists prior to transition, importing only active requests –Families see more child care options –Families notified of available options with <90 day wait –Reconfirm and offer processes keep WL current –Offer Performance Report tracks number of children for which an offer has been made within 90 days of the DCN

23 MCC OPERATIONS CENTER POCS Helen Stine – MCC Program Director – Jennifer Maahs – MCC Operations Center Manager – Mujaa Latif – Customer Support Manager – Sergio Flores – System Division Manager – MCC Help Desk - Toll Free: 855.696.2934 For more information, go to

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