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BY. Secured Data Transmission through Network handles hiding a secret message with in an image in such a way that others cannot discern the presence or.

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Presentation on theme: "BY. Secured Data Transmission through Network handles hiding a secret message with in an image in such a way that others cannot discern the presence or."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY

2 Secured Data Transmission through Network handles hiding a secret message with in an image in such a way that others cannot discern the presence or contents of the hidden message. A message might be hidden with in an image by changing Least Significant Bit to be the message bits. Then the image can be transmitted through Network. LSB based Stenography is perhaps the most simple and straight forward approach. In this project we embed the message in to the least significant bit planes of the image.

3 Since this will only affect each pixel by +/- 1, if at all, it is generally assumed with good reason that degradation caused by this embedding process would perceptually transparent. Hence there are a number of LSB based steganography techniques in the passive warden model as it difficult to differentiate cover-images from steno images, given the small changes that have been made.

4 Secure data transmission or information hiding system has been developed to provide confidentiality security service. Second and main advantage is if the hacker wants to extract the embedded message in image file he must and should the following algorithms: a) Algorithm to extract the message from the image (Stego algorithm), b) Encryption algorithm, c) Correct password for algorithm, and d) Message process algorithm for check integrity of message. This increases levels of protection using encryption algorithm, the proposed system for steganography is stronger from the attacks than any other existing system.

5 There is 1 module in this Secured Data Transmission over the Network. They are:User User Module The functionalities of the User module are: A user runs application. User selects data to process. Application processes the data Encrypt or Decrypt data. User sends or receives data securely.

6 A use case diagram is a diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and relationships.

7 An activity diagram shows the flow from activity to activity Run Application Process:

8 Encryption Process:

9 Decryption Process:


11 Testing Testing Methodologies Black box Testing: White box Testing. Gray Box Testing. Levels of Testing –Unit Testing. –Module Testing. –Integration Testing. –System Testing. –User Acceptance Testing.

12 Types Of Testing –Smoke Testing. –Sanitary Testing. –Regression Testing. –Re-Testing. –Static Testing. –Dynamic Testing. –Alpha-Testing. –Beta-Testing. –Monkey Testing. –Compatibility Testing. –Installation Testing. –Adhoc Testing. –Ext….

13 TCD (Test Case Documentation) STLC –Test Planning. –Test Development. –Test Execution. –Result Analysis. –Bug-Tracing. –Reporting. Microsoft Windows – Standards Manual Testing Automation Testing (Tools) –Win Runner. –Test Director











24 Until recently information hiding techniques received very much less attention from the research community and from industry than cryptography. Steganography has its place in security. It is not intended to replace cryptography but supplement it. In this system it has given an idea to enhance the security of system with a by combining techniques. It can enhance confidentiality of information and of information and provides a means of communicating privately.

25 Here message is encrypted and then embed in image file with help of Steganographic system. The system security further enhance by using password to embed the message. This system explains a tiny fraction of the art of steganography; it goes well beyond simply embedding text in an image.

26 Click to add The minimum software requirement specifications for developing this project are as follows: Operating System : Window 2000, XP Presentation layer : Java awt,; Presentation : Power Point 2003 Documentation Tool : Ms Office / GoBe Productive

27 The minimum hardware requirement specification for developing this project is as follows: Processor : Pentium IV/AMD Athelon (1.6 GHz) RAM : 512MB RAM Hard Disk : 10GB Monitor : Standard Color Monitor Keyboard : Standard Keyboard Mouse : Standard Mouse

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