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StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 Technical Overview StratusLab.

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Presentation on theme: "StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 Technical Overview StratusLab."— Presentation transcript:

1 StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 Technical Overview StratusLab First Periodic Review Brussels, Belgium 4 July 2011

2 2 Usage  Job processing  Big batch system  File sharing services Achievements  Federation of resources  VO concept But…  User experience  Complexity Usage  Raw infrastructure  Elasticity & pay-per-use  Simple web interface Achievements  Agile infrastructures  IT is another utility But…  Interoperability  Federation The StratusLab Vision Clouds Grids

3 3 The StratusLab Vision Customized Environments Uniform Security Resource Management Scientific Applications Resource Sharing Flexibility & Simplicity

4 4 The StratusLab Vision Grid Resource Center StratusLab Distribution Private/Public Cloud Cloud API and Service Manager API Grid Services Public Clouds users

5 5 Architecture of StratusLab Grid Services Cloud APIGrid ServicesCloud API Marketplace Cloud/Grid Site Sharing existing VM images Registry of metadata Image are kept elsewhere Supports trust Federation facilities Security Grid specific services

6 6 Architecture of StratusLab Storage ManagerVirtual Machine Manager Cloud API (IaaS) NetworkingComputeImage Storage API Cloud Management Tools Physical Resources

7 7 Architecture of StratusLab Storage ManagerVirtual Machine Manager OpenNebula XML-RPC Interface REST → CDMI User/Admin CLI Web Monitor AuthN Proxy Claudia XML-RPC → OCCITCloud NetworkingComputeImage Storage Mgr Marketplace Ganglia KVM/Xen DHCP NAT iSCSI NFS

8 8 Cloud Services & Infrastructures StratusLab Distribution Reference Deployment Cloud Services StratusLab Components Easy installation Thoroughly tested Regularly released Supported Showcase Know-how Best practices Virtualized Grid Site IaaS Cloud Services Marketplace & Appliance Repository Appliances: Base OS, Grid, Bioinformatics Internal Services Testing Infrastructure Code Repositories LDAP Appliance Repositories Continuous Integration Issue Tracking

9 9 Questions?

10 Copyright © 2011, Members of the StratusLab collaboration: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Greek Research and Technology Network S.A., SixSq Sàrl, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo SA, and The Provost Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth Near Dublin. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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