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1 11 1 IT-DB Group Meeting13-July-2004 Oracle Client Kits Status Report Andrea Valassi

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1 1 11 1 IT-DB Group Meeting13-July-2004 Oracle Client Kits Status Report Andrea Valassi

2 2 22 2 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Why do we need client kits? Who would use them? Main motivation: lightweight client software distribution for T1 sites –Previously only server kits available (1.5 GB) Target use cases –LCG AA users (typically C++ developers ) at T1 sites Oracle client distribution requested by LCG AA –Other users of CERN database servers connecting to CERN from T1 sites Additional use cases? –Lightweight client installation on CERN AFS (in parallel to standard client) e.g., no need to install 650 MB if only one OCCI library changes… –Standalone client installation on dedicated CERN nodes (no AFS dependency) e.g. Castor servers are Oracle 10g clients connecting to dedicated Oracle 9i server

3 3 33 3 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits What should client kits contain? How can they be built? Requirements (working assumption) –SQLPLUS binary –JDBC (Java), OCI (C/C++), OCCI (C++) libraries and all relevant data files –OCI/OCCI header files –LCG supported platforms (start with Linux : RH7 and RHEL using gcc3.2.3) –Possibility to deploy clients for different Oracle/compiler versions on one host Technical solutions –1. Select a subset of libraries and data files from ORACLE_HOME of a standard client installation (previous work by Ioannis and myself) Advantage: tailor-made, can try to make it very thin (19 MB kit, 50 MB installed) Disadvantage: no guarantee that some files are not forgotten… –2. Use the Oracle 10g Instant Client (with some additions) Advantage: Instant Client supported by Oracle (no need to select data files) Disadvantage: more than twice the size of solution 1 (45 MB kit, 115 MB installed) Disadvantage: not possible for Oracle 9i –Choose solution 2.

4 4 44 4 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits What is the Oracle 10g Instant Client? How does it differ from the standard client? “Homeless” client (no need to setenv ORACLE_HOME) –Standard client looks for data files under $ORACLE_HOME/… –Instant client replaces data files by the library (a very large one!) “Thin” client –Standard client: 400 MB archives, 350 (runtime)-650(admin) MB installed –Instant client: 45 MB archives, 115 MB installed (90 MB from libociei alone!) Included: OCI/OCCI/JDBC libraries, SQLPLUS binary Not included: OCI/OCCI headers (as well as Makefile’s, ProC tools, OTT tools, …) “Free” client –Standard client: part of Oracle licensed software –Instant client: available from OTN with no license, freely redistributable “New” client (starting from 10g) –9i: only standard client –10g: both standard and instant client

5 5 55 5 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Why is the Instant Client RPM not enough? What do the client kits contain then? Problems with the Instant Client RPMs: –Header files for OCI/OCCI not included –OCCI library for gcc3.2.3 C++ compiler not included (support only for gcc2.96) –RPM installs by default in /usr (only one Oracle version and compiler per host) Two client kits are available: –oracle10.1.0.2-instantClientKit001-cel3-i386_gcc323.tar.gz Scientific Cern Linux (SLC3, future lxplus O/S), was CEL3, based on RHEL3 1. OCI and JDBC shared libraries and SQLPLUS binary from Instant Client rpm’s 2. OCI and OCCI header files from standard client installation 3. OCCI shared library for gcc3.2.3 available from OTN –oracle10.1.0.2-instantClientKit001-rh73_gcc323.tar.gz Red Hat 7.3 (current lxplus O/S) 1. and 2. as above (strictly the same files in the two kits) 3. OCCI shared library rebuilt from that on OTN (RHEL/RH73 have different libc) –Use recipe suggested by Bjorn Engsig (genoccish) –Both kits packaged as.tar.gz archives, recommend installation in /opt

6 6 66 6 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits 10g client summary (Red Hat Linux) Server/ClientInstant ClientClient Kits Distributionserver 4x.cpio.gz – 1.4 GB client 1x.cpio.gz – 400 MB 3x.rpm – 45 MB (basic+sqlplus+JDBC) 1x.tar.gz – 45 MB Installation sizeserver 2.5 GB admin client 650 MB runtime client 350 MB 115 MB Installation toolgunzip + cpio + OUIrpmgunzip + tar Installation useroraclerootany user Installation areaanywhere – OFA, AFS 1 host, many platforms /usr (or anywhere??) 1 host, 1 platform anywhere - /opt, AFS 1 host, many platforms ORACLE_HOMEyes (clients read data files)no (clients load at runtime) OCI/OCCI headersyes (admin client)noyes OCCIgcc2.96 gcc3.2.3 for RHEL gcc3.2.3 for RH73 ProCyes (not recommended)no

7 7 77 7 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Where can the client kits be downloaded? Kits can be downloaded from AFS at CERN –From /afs/ (thanks to Nilo!) –The kits are only available to registered users (OR group, ‘cern:or rl’ ACL) Instant Client is free, header files are not (yet?) Client kit documentation –IT-DB Web pageIT-DB Web page Follow “Related links Oracle@CERN”Oracle@CERN Follow “Information on the Oracle License Agreement can be found here”here Follow “Oracle Client”Oracle Client Follow “You may then proceed with the installation as described here”here –OR group mailing list ( Web archive

8 8 88 8 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Are the client kits also installed at CERN? Should they be? The kits are also installed in AFS under /afs/ –Following the LCG AA convention (just like in /afs/ AA convention /afs/… /afs/… /afs/… /afs/ /afs/… /afs/… /afs/… /afs/ –Files are still invisible (eventually: use the standard ‘cern:nodes rlk’ ACL) Would you agree with this proposal? –Two client installations in parallel, e.g. for 10g on RHEL3 with gcc3.2.3 OCCI: /afs/ (standard client 530 MB) /afs/ (i.c. 115MB) –Alternative: full 530 MB install also for RH73 (only difference: –Other advantages: s/w easily accessible for LCG (and for us to debug the kits) –Disadvantages: confusing to have two trees in parallel?

9 9 99 9 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits What about TNS settings? A third kit is also available: –oracle-cernTnsAdmin-20040706.tar.gz./oracle/network/admin/tnsnames.ora./oracle/network/admin/sqlnet.ora –Settings as of July 6 –Never tested that this works from outside CERN ( suffix needed?) Not meant to be installed at CERN –Single central TNS_ADMIN on AFS already exists /afs/

10 10 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Oracle client kits and SLC certification Message sent to Jan Iven (forwarded to Linux certification newsgroup) – Oracle client software not meant to be included in SLC software distribution At CERN, IT-DB will continue to install the Oracle software on AFS For outside labs, server and client kits are available for registered collaborators –Certification of SLC at CERN can be done against the standard client on AFS /afs/ Client kits do not include ProC (used by certification users from the AB division) –Client kits designed to install many Oracle versions and compilers on same host Recommended installation in /opt Installation in /usr not recommended (system directory: only one version) More comments –Oracle software cannot be included in SLC because it is licensed –RPM kit development for Linux certification team was not my initial goal Vlado Bahyl (FIO) repackaged kits as rpm for FIO use in Castor server deployment –Presently physics users agree on single compiler gcc3.2.3: until when? Long term availaibility of OCCI for newer gcc not clear, but allow for this anyway

11 11 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Oracle client kits on Windows? (thanks to feedback by Eric, Montse, Ioannis!) A kit based on the Instant Client already exists at CERN (Montse) –See –The kit is a zip file, available on CERN DFS under \\\dfs\Applications\Oracle\Group\10gInstantClients \\\dfs\Applications\Oracle\Group\10gInstantClients –Contents are all those of the 4 (basic + sqlplus + JDBC + ODBC ) Libraries: only dynamic-link.dll (for comparison: Linux I.C. only, not.a) What is missing in the kits (for use by LCG C++ developers)? –1. OCI and OCCI header files (just like for Linux) We can take those from the standard client ORACLE_HOME –2. OCI and OCCI import libraries (.lib) are needed at link-time Dynamic-link.dll libraries are only needed at runtime Can we take the.lib from the standard client? Most probably yes –Instant Client is designed to run applications built against the standard client (how else?!) –Check if same.dll in instant/standard clients, cross-check with Oracle in case of doubt? –Copy the kit ( to AFS E.g. on /afs/ For use by LCG developers (Cygwin-based development environment)

12 12 Andrea Valassi13-July-2004Oracle Client Kits Future perspectives Still on my to-do list –Agree about parallel installation of instant client software If yes, change the AFS ACL and update the “Oracle Client Usage at CERN” pageOracle Client Usage at CERN If not, I need a RH73 (full client?) installation for gcc323 for the CondDB project To be done by someone eventually –More systematic tests (anyone tested OCI/JDBC in instant client?) The test suite developed by Ingunn and Arash would be very useful in this context –Send our Instant Client feedback to OTN forum (general feedback, headers)general feedbackheaders –Test instant client and make kits for other platforms (Windows, MacOSX)? Requests already received (Ioannis/Pere for Windows, Luc Goossens for MacOSX) –Propagate information to LCG SPI, agree on symbolic links across AFS trees? Future perspectives –Header files may be included in a new “developer” version of Instant Client This would remove the need to bundle them in the kit (as well as some legal issues?) –Continue to follow the situation with OCCI libraries and C++ compilers

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