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The Dam Project Overview. To build or not to build That’s the dam question. There are always two sides. A 40 year controversy You are going to take a.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dam Project Overview. To build or not to build That’s the dam question. There are always two sides. A 40 year controversy You are going to take a."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dam Project Overview

2 To build or not to build That’s the dam question. There are always two sides. A 40 year controversy You are going to take a side

3 Project Idea The Auburn dam is coming. –This dam has been started and stopped several times over the last 40 years. –Everybody living in the area has deep set opinions. You have organized like-minded people from several groups –You have campaign posters & flyers, commercials and informational material. You will have a chance to present you views in an open informational forum prior to the referendum vote.

4 Product You will produce a display booth supporting a pro-building or anti-building position. This material will include as a minimum: –an informational display, –a poster, a flyer or brochure for each interest group, –a 30 second video commercial. You will need to be able to engage and convince the visitors of your point of view. –Parents, students and community members will evaluate and vote on which group develops the most compelling argument. –You will also peer evaluate each member in group

5 Evaluation & Assessment Groups will be evaluated: –on the content and quality or their display, –their depth of knowledge and their ability to communicate their views. –See attached rubrics for details.

6 Special Interest groups Each side (Pro/Con) will need to identify at least three specific interest groups that support their position –You will create a flyer/brochure elaborating their specific view point for each special interest group

7 Examples of Special Interest Groups Pro Build Bureau of Reclamation Auburn Dam Council Labor Unions Real Estate Developers Chambers of Commerce Friends of the River Sierra Club Whitewater Rafting groups Local interest or taxpayer groups Native and historical societies

8 Arguments & Interests Pro building Anti building Recreation business Flood protection Agriculture Property development Construction Tourism Green Energy Local Economy Community Water resources Wilderness protection Environmental Concerns Displaced residents Historical and Cultural Preservation Sportsman Recreation businesses Safety Concerns Cost

9 Time line The referendum forum will be held in two weeks. Some time will be allowed in class for research and preparation of material. Mile points: –Day 1 : Groups assigned –Day 5 : Special Interest groups identified –Day 9 : Posters and Flyers/brochures submitted for printing

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