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Assets & Opportunities Jusuf Dervovic Notting Hill Housing 29 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Assets & Opportunities Jusuf Dervovic Notting Hill Housing 29 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assets & Opportunities Jusuf Dervovic Notting Hill Housing 29 November 2007

2 What do social tenants want? MORI survey March 2007

3 Tenants’ aspirations

4 Home Options Desire to consider home ownership Explain options Affordability advice Action planning & support

5 RentPlus Disposable income - save or consume? Behave like an owner - save and maintain Accumulate lump sum plus interest Bonus for keeping home in good condition

6 10 per cent Shares Shared ownership is no longer Low Cost £200,000 flat  50% share - £29,000 p.a.  25% share - £24,000 p.a.  10% share - £20,000 p.a.

7 Social HomeBuy Marketing generated 2,058 enquiries 595 desk top valuations 114 applications 29 homes sold – more than any other RSL Reinvest in new homes

8 Stylish, well designed city apartments Great value - £150,000 First-time buyers, younger people and down-sizers Affordable City Living

9 New Build Homebuy Part buy - part rent Buy between 25% - 75% Pay subsidised rent on remainder Staircase up to 100%

10 How Home Options works Receive an enquiry about Home Options Arrange appointment for one to one advice Give information pack & explain the service  Establish where they are  Find out where they want to be  Agree moving forward Provide ongoing support

11 Home Options so far 265 tenants received advice 118 tenants attended face to face meetings 9 completions  5 Social Homebuy  2 New Build Homebuy  1 Open market Homebuy  1 Private Sale 49 active applicants

12 Group Discussion What do you think about the provision of home ownership advisory service to social tenants? What type of service / if any is provided by your organization? What additional incentives / if any could be used to improve the take up? Any other ideas / suggestions?

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