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Organizzato da: LA STANDARDIZZAZIONE A LIVELLO EUROPEO Berthold Radermacher – Responsabile standardizzazione e coordinamento ricerca – VDV Germania.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizzato da: LA STANDARDIZZAZIONE A LIVELLO EUROPEO Berthold Radermacher – Responsabile standardizzazione e coordinamento ricerca – VDV Germania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizzato da: LA STANDARDIZZAZIONE A LIVELLO EUROPEO Berthold Radermacher – Responsabile standardizzazione e coordinamento ricerca – VDV Germania

2 2 Content  Update on Standardisation on Interoperable Fare Management (IFM)  Necessities for Interoperability  Some experience from Germany  European Activities  IFM & UITP Activities  EC Urban Mobility Initiative

3 Update on Standardisation ISO TR 24014 – 2: Supplementary Concepts of Part 1 for Business Practices  Structure of “Set of Rules”  Possibilities for a cooperation of different IFM systems  3D model for the collaboration amongst Architectures  IFM collaboration with IFM  IFM collaboration with other Architectures  Integration of “Set of Rules” with other Architectures  Multi Application 3 Finalization in 2012 - voting process Finalization in 2012 - voting process

4 Update on Standardisation ISO TR 24014 – 3: Complementary concepts to Part 1 for multi application media  Media functional Architecture  IFM Model in Multi-App Environment  New partners  New use cases  Requirements for Multi-App customer media  Practices for implementation using Multi-App  Result s from EU-IFM Project 4 Finalization in 2012 - voting process Finalization in 2012 - voting process

5 Update on Standardisation ISO TR 14806: PT requirements for the use of payment applications for fare media 5  Use cases  Requirements for payment applications in PT  Limited to existing bank solutions  Business rules  Using bank “Set of Rules”  Security of Pay-App  Using bank security systems  Media requirements  Ideas on limited interoperability  Test Certification  Privacy Finalized in April 2012 Ready for publication Finalized in April 2012 Ready for publication

6 6 Revision on part 1 starts on the 28th of June in Munich Revision will be limited to some Definitions & Terms according to part 2 & 3 description on card centric / back office centric will be added Collecting & forwarding role will be revised no change on use cases Finalization estimated for Spring 2013 Revision on part 1 starts on the 28th of June in Munich Revision will be limited to some Definitions & Terms according to part 2 & 3 description on card centric / back office centric will be added Collecting & forwarding role will be revised no change on use cases Finalization estimated for Spring 2013 Update on Standardisation ISO EN 24014 – 1: Interoperable fare management – System Architecture

7 Why Interoperability?  Make it easy & simple for the customer  One ticket for all modes/services  Necessity for co-operation of Public Transport Operators PTO !  Trust other ticket vendors (PTO)!!!  One Trust scheme!  Agreement on Tariff!!!  Common product!  Revenue sharing!!!  Statistic or real measurement?  Co-operation needs technical interoperability to support the needs of the passenger!  Technology  Paper (in Germany since the at least 70’s / PT-Cooperations PTC)  Electronic -> going smart (Card/Phone/...) 7

8 Why Interoperability?  Make it easy & simple for the customer  In which areas do we need interoperability ?  Local ? Region ? State ? Country ? Continent ?  How does a passenger travel ?  10 Bill. PT Travels per year in Germany  Several Million Passengers travel per year between neighbour PT Co-operations using a joint product!  How many neighbours PTO / PTC do we have?  German PTO & PTC decided in 2001 to develop an IFM system for them  Goal:  Customer shall travel with one media in Germany  One standard for all PTO’s and PTC’s  Standard shall support all (local) products/tariffs  A German wide Tariff is not required!  A joint and easily/sheap extendable Trust/Security System 8 Germany Fed. States of Germany German Districts Continent UK ±70 PTC

9 Issues of Interoperability  Interoperability has to be managed on the level Interoperability is established  German PTO/PTC established here for their organisation VDV-Kernapplikations GmbH in 2003  Product Interoperability needs a common security system for validation of products  Base of VDV-Kernapplikations GmbH is ISO EN 24014 - 1  Tasks of VDV-Kernapplikation GmbH  IFM Manager  Registrar  Security Manager (Trust System) / Certification  Management “Set of Rules”  Technical specs  Contracts  Organisation  Benefits for PTO/PTC & Industry  Scaling effects  Procurement of Millions of cards (heavy reduction of costs)  Management of a common trust/security system (Interoperability, heavy reduction of cost)  Joint developments (divide one time costs by several partners / bundle funding)  Competition on procurement  Bigger market with one development 9

10 Running system Where do we are in Germany

11 Running systemintroduction 2011-2012 Where do we are in Germany

12 Running systemintroduction 2011-2012 Planned Where do we are in Germany

13 Some numbers  Scaling effects (more users)  Smart Card procurements  2006 +- 3 Mill. Cards  2009 +- 6 Mill. Cards reduction of 20%-30%  2012 +- 8 Mill. Cards reduction ?  price reduction of security keys / certificates in 2012  Price reduction by 25 % on Secure Access Modules SAMs in 2012 13 + 38 PTO + 34 PTO + 13 PTO + 31 PTO

14 European activities IFM 2001 - CEN Standardisation has started 14

15 European activities 2004 - EU-Study „Intermodality of Passenger Transport“ 15 2001 - CEN

16 European activities 2004 – EU-Study 16 2001 – CEN 2007 – UITP establishs EU-IFM-Forum EU-IFM Project developed a road map for an EU wide IFM-Area

17 European activities 2004 – EU-Study 17 2001 – CEN2007 –EU-IFM-Forum/Project 2010 – EU-ITS-Direktive 2010 / EC Urban Mobility Initiative IFM is in the focus, EU-IFM Forum / Project is involved and actively working on a guidance

18 European activities 2004 – EU-Study 18 2001 – CEN2007 –EU-IFM-Forum/Project2010 – EU-ITS-Direktive 2010 / EC Urban Mobility Initiative 2012 – EU-IFM Alliance is established at UITP - IT-TRANS 2012 in Karlsruhe, Germany

19 European activities 2004 – EU-Study 19 2001 – CEN2007 –EU-IFM-Forum/Project2010 – EU-ITS-Direktive 2010 / EC Urban Mobility Initiative 2012 – EU-IFM Alliance 201? – Urban Mobility Guideline ready – new R&D project for IFM

20  To ensure cross-border interoperability of Transport Smartcards across Europe  Road Map towards a EU-wide concept  Customers use their local Transport Smartcards outside their home network  Transport authorities have the tool-set to build new systems using standardised Specifications  Deliver the associated Security Environment  Charter a way through Privacy Issues  Results  Priority - Interoperability through common multi-application processes and a Common Portal  Long Term - Common EU-IFM Application and Templates 20 The European Interoperable Fare Management Project (EU-IFM)

21 IFM- Alliance 21 MoU was signed at IT-TRANS between representatives of the organisations for technical specifications ITSO (UK), AFIMB (France) and Calypso Network Association VDV KA (Germany), and UITP

22 EC –Urban Mobility Initiative  Urban Mobility is not directly part of the mandatory issues of the ITS directive due to subsidiarity principles!  EC is pushing also into urban areas  EC has established an Urban Mobility expert group  Main members from the cities  Only 2 members from UITP (N, E)  Output of Urban Mobility Expert group  Guidelines in the area of  IFM  Multi Modal Journey Planner  Traffic Management  Best practise exchange  recommendations on standardisation  Results shall be ready 2012/2013 22

23 Organizzato da: LA STANDARDIZZAZIONE A LIVELLO EUROPEO Berthold Radermacher – Responsabile standardizzazione e coordinamento ricerca – VDV Germania

24 Better choose a standard! Thank you for your attention!

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