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Tips for Maintaining your Weight this Holiday Season.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Maintaining your Weight this Holiday Season."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Maintaining your Weight this Holiday Season

2 The holidays are not only notorious for long lines, traffic, and financial strain, but also for high fat foods, overindulgence, and lower activity levels. These holiday occurrences can add up, causing holiday weight gain and added stress. Here are a few ways to partake in the fun without increasing your pant size!

3 Set Reasonable Goals Focus on weight maintenance instead of losing. Starting a new fitness regimen may be unrealistic. Add more lifestyle activity, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or park your car further away in parking lots.

4 Don’t Arrive Hungry If you’re attending a party, plan ahead to help you resist temptation. Be sure to snack on something nutritious beforehand.

5 Portion Control When dinner is served, use a smaller plate. Be sure to not stack your food by limiting your helpings to a single layer. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables and be cautious of sauces and dips.

6 Easy on the alcohol Not only is alcohol loaded with calories, it will limit your control over what you eat. Try drinking water or club soda.

7 Stay Active A short walk after a big meal can go a long way toward helping your body burn up any extra calories. Make a new holiday family tradition. Try ice-skating, sledding, or skiing. Too cold? Play active indoor games like playing Twister, set up a scavenger hunt, or play indoor volleyball using a balloon.

8 Sources avoid-holiday-weight-gain?page=1

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