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6/18/2016New GPVTS1 lw. 6/18/2016New GPVTS2 Congratulations.

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Presentation on theme: "6/18/2016New GPVTS1 lw. 6/18/2016New GPVTS2 Congratulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/18/2016New GPVTS1 lw

2 6/18/2016New GPVTS2 Congratulations

3 Meet the Team Jon EllimanAPD Siobhan TimmsGP Training Programme Manager Mary TillingGP Education Administrator Michala KingGP & SET Administrator Alison Rayson GP & NSAT Administrator Liz AldenTPD ST3s Tom GambleTPD ST1/2 Joanna SwallowTPDST1/2 Mary Valentine TPD ST3 Lou Whyte (Maternity) TPD ST2 Kate DigbyTPD ST1/2 (Peter Searle – BarnesTPD St1/2) (Lucy LovedayFellow) Jonathan Buckler Education Scholar Salini BalendraSustainability scholar Mark GillamCentral leadership scholar Nicola StephenLeadership scholar LW

4 We aim to cover The 3 Year scheme Teaching schedules Study leave Your GP educational supervisor Curriculum 6/18/2016New GPVTS4 Exams E-portfolio Pastoral Support Your questions LW

5 Intro pack Contact details Small groups and time table Study leave 6/18/2016New GPVTS5 LW lw

6 6/18/2016New GPVTS6 LW

7 The Scheme 3 years ST14 or 6 month posts in ST1 ST26 months hospital and 6 months GP ST3GP LTFTs Sickness absence reporting Absence from training - maximum 2 weeks per year QA Questionnaires/panel 6/18/2016New GPVTS7 TG

8 Teaching Schedule 4 strands to education ST1 small groups in academy Time in your General Practice Topic Based teaching – Swindon Education Trust Departmental teaching ST1 Acorn Group meet week 2 ST1 Chestnut Group meet week 4 6/18/2016New GPVTS8 TGlw

9 Small group GP work 14.00-17.00 in academy Jo, Kate and Tom Afternoon divided into 2 sessions Discuss any problems: Your space! Opportunity to meet with ST2s at the break Swops between groups are not permitted in the first 6 months. 6/18/2016New GPVTS9 js TG

10 Small group GP work Challenging for your departments Departments need minimum 6 weeks notice Compulsory Attendance – aim for 100% Apologies for absenteeism in advance Contribution to tutorials Deliver teaching sessions Preparation prior to sessions 6/18/2016New GPVTS10 TG

11 Days at your ST3 Practice Where your educational supervisor works Plan well in advance: book study leave Whole days 6 x per year Educational Supervisor Report needs doing 2 x per year 6/18/2016New GPVTS11 TG

12 Swindon Education Trust Tutor and organiser - Liz Alden Administration support - Michala King Timetable - half days, full days & evenings Topics linked to RCGP curriculum Consultant and specialist delivered Reciprocal arrangement with other trusts JS

13 Study leave See ‘Key Points Document’ in intro pack At start need to submit personal development plan (can print from e-portfolio…update regularly) Need to apply for study leave online using Intrepid (email will be sent out explaining how to access this) Expenses form needs to be sent to the GP office along with receipts and proof of attendance 6/18/2016New GPVTS13 JS

14 Study Leave ST1/2 Allowance 30 days ½ day per month in GP small group teaching ½ day per month in practice ½ day per month hospital departmental teaching (bleep free) Remaining time to include: GP training / conferences / courses RELEVANT TO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6/18/2016New GPVTS14 JS

15 The GP Curriculum Heavy reading (2.5kg if printed) The Condensed Curriculum Guide Summary in your packs Link to ‘Super condensed Curriculum guide on Swindon website – Go to ST1 tab and ‘Specialty Handbook’ 6/18/2016New GPVTS15 JL

16 MRCGP 3 components Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA) End point assessment 6/18/2016New GPVTS16 JL

17 Exams Deanery funded revision courses AKT usually taken late in ST2 CSA usually Feb ST3 6/18/2016New GPVTS17 JL

18 Work Place Based Assessments Assessment takes place over the whole 3 year training envelope Similar to F2 assessments WPBA ultimately summative but formative in approach Feedback given about performance in all components Supported by the e portfolio Timetable for assessments and minimum evidence - introduction pack

19 MRCGP - Integrated assessment package Workplace-based assessment (WPBA) – Case Based Discussion (CbD) Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-Cex) / Consultation observation tool Clinical Examination and Procedural Skills Multi source Feedback (MSF) Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ)

20 Workplace-based assessment ST1 Interim review Based on evidence: 3 x mini-CEX (COT*) 3 x CBD 1x MSF CEPS** Clinical supervisors’ report ** Interim review Based on evidence: 3 x mini-CEX(COT*) 3 x CBD 1 x MSF CEPS** 1 x PSQ * Clinical supervisors’ report ** 6 month 12 month Deanery panel if unsatisfactory * if GP post ** if appropriate

21 Pastoral Support Small group leader Any member of the Team Deanery support / counselling 6/18/2016New GPVTS21 PSB

22 What you need to do now! Join RCGP as an Associate in training to get an e-portfolio login Contact GP trainer (educational supervisor throughout) Ensure you know who your clinical supervisor is. Submit your study leave application online and expenses to the office! 6/18/2016New GPVTS22 F

23 6/18/2016New GPVTS23

24 Questions? 6/18/2016New GPVTS24

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