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UNO Earl K. Long Library Library Needs of On-Campus Undergraduate Students Esteban Sotomayor.

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Presentation on theme: "UNO Earl K. Long Library Library Needs of On-Campus Undergraduate Students Esteban Sotomayor."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNO Earl K. Long Library Library Needs of On-Campus Undergraduate Students Esteban Sotomayor

2 Background UNO Library – ways to improve overall. Issue : Students unaware of resources offered The library’s and students’ perspective of resources may differ What do students consider to be resources? What do they really want and need from UNO library?

3 Purpose Investigate the library needs of undergraduate students living on campus The majority of UNO Campus PopulationBetter access to the Library

4 Objectives To Investigate the following: Students’ needs in the library Aspects of the library students value Reasons students visit the library Amenities students use at the library Profile of those who regularly visit the library Reason some students do not visit the library Improvements the library can make that will help students

5 Methodology Survey Design Sampling Procedure Sample Size Data Analysis

6 Questionnaire Design Method: Internet survey Created in Qualtrics Emailed to students 24 Questions Survey Design: 4 Questionnaire sections Library Usage Library Amenities Students’ Thoughts/ Needs/ Wants Demographic questions

7 Sampling Procedure - Non-probability Convenience Sample - Email sent to undergraduate students living on campus Worked with the Director of Student Housing Sent to residents of the Pontchartrain Dorms Sent to classmates and friends that lived on campus - Email included: Research Purpose Survey Link Time Frame Incentive offered: raffle for four $50 Amazon giftcards

8 Sampling Size  89 responses, 11.87% response rate  85 students completed the survey Demographics of Sample:  74.15% visit the library once a week or more.  In a normal visit, 80.9% stay at the library for 2 hours or less  39.3% freshman, 23.6% sophomore, 15.3% junior, and 18.8% seniors.  48.2% male and 51.8% female  The average age was 20 years old  93.3% had GPA between 2.5 and 4.0.

9 Data Analysis Approach SPSS was used to analyze the data Measures and Tests o Descriptives o Cross-tabs o T-Test o ANOVA o Correlation o Simple Regression o Multiple Regression

10 Results Objective 1 Objective 1: Students’ needs in the Library

11 Results Objective 1 Objective 1: Students’ needs in the Library Gender No Frequency of Library visit Time spent at the library Study Space 5 or more hours Library Characteristics Students who spend 5 or more hours in the library believe the library has too much study space available for students No

12 Results Objective 1 Objective 1: Students’ needs in the Library – Library Hours Frequency visit Library No Amount of time spending on Library Yes Students who spend 4 hours at the library are less satisfied with the hours of operation. Satisfaction with Library Hours The mean for satisfaction with the library hours was 3.44 ( 1-very dissatisfied and 5-very satisfied) Regression Model: Overall Satisfaction = 4.348 +.426 (satisfaction with library hours of operation).

13 Results Objective 2 Objective 2: Aspects of the library student’s value

14 Results Objective 2 Objective 2: Aspects of the library student’s value  Regression Model: Overall satisfaction = 2.935+.453 (internet speed) +.280 (study rooms)

15 Results Objective 3: Reasons Visit the Library

16 Results Objective 4: Library Amenities Student Use Most

17 Results Objective 5 Objective 5: Profile of students who regularly visit the library Gender Yes GPA Yes The frequency to visit the library All of the students who visit the library once a week or more have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The female answers were more spread out across the all of the response choices, while 80% of the males visit the library once a week or more

18 Results Objective 6 Objective 6: Reason students do not visit the library All of our respondents had visited the library except one This respondent gave us no good information as to why he or she had not visited the library or any changes to the library could make to motivate him or her to do so. Response: Why have you not visited the library?  “No Need” Is there anything the library can do to motivate you to go?  “Probably not” No relevant data was collected for this objective.

19 Results Objective 7: Changes the library can make to improve

20 Limitations Time frame: only 3 months Personnel : 4 MBA students Response Rate is not as expected and affected by the fact that other groups emailed the survey at the same time Incentive : $400 The survey was distributed for both undergrads and grads

21 Recommendations The library should focus on improving:  Computers, Printers, and Scanners  Study Rooms / Study Space  Internet Access  Online Databases / Services  Noise Level  Lighting, Signage, and a Welcoming Atmosphere  Comfort  Hours of Operation

22 Thank you!

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