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Formal mentoring programs Protégés = Mentees Benefits for protégésBenefits for mentors -Experience enhanced socialization -Higher organizational commitment.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal mentoring programs Protégés = Mentees Benefits for protégésBenefits for mentors -Experience enhanced socialization -Higher organizational commitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal mentoring programs Protégés = Mentees Benefits for protégésBenefits for mentors -Experience enhanced socialization -Higher organizational commitment -Intention to stay -Job satisfaction -Personal learning -Others’ recognition -Rewarding encounters with protégés -Improved job performance -Higher job satisfaction -Organizational commitment -Improved attitudes against career plateauing.

2 Definition & Research gaps Mentorship: “Those aspects of developmental relationship that enhance both individuals’ growth and advancement” BUT: -Research focus on protégé outcomes. Not on mentors’ and mutual benefits. -Too high presumptions about the values of mentoring functions. BUT: -Research focus on protégé outcomes. Not on mentors’ and mutual benefits. -Too high presumptions about the values of mentoring functions. Also: Leadership development is more effective in work context than in traditional classroom.

3 Mentoring functions Career supportPsychosocial supportRole modeling -Providing challenging assignments -Job coaching -Career advancement -Sharing personal problems and exchanging confidences -Providing acceptance and friendship -Confirming protégés’ behavior -Guiding protégés through mentors’ values attitudes, and behavior -Allows protégés to identify with their mentors as exemplary models

4 Outcomes MentorsProtégés Transformational leadership X Psychosocial support XX Organizational commitment XX

5 Mentor Outcomes Transformational leadership: Most effective and developmentally-oriented leadership approach in the Full Range Leadership Model. Declarative knowledge: What facts and information are important for success Procedural knowledge: How processes and procedures lead to success Transformational leadership: Most effective and developmentally-oriented leadership approach in the Full Range Leadership Model. Declarative knowledge: What facts and information are important for success Procedural knowledge: How processes and procedures lead to success Hypothesis 1: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions (career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling) through mentoring relationships will report greater transformational leadership. Hypothesis 1: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions (career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling) through mentoring relationships will report greater transformational leadership.

6 Mentor Outcomes Affective well-being: Positive psychology: -Helping others increases one’s own positive emotion. -Being helped enhances health and well-being, as well as buffering from stressful work experience. Affective well-being: Positive psychology: -Helping others increases one’s own positive emotion. -Being helped enhances health and well-being, as well as buffering from stressful work experience. Hypothesis 2: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater affective well-being. Hypothesis 2: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater affective well-being.

7 Mentor Outcomes Organizational commitment: -Deeper sense of purpose -Affective belonging to the organization Organizational commitment: -Deeper sense of purpose -Affective belonging to the organization Hypothesis 3: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater organizational commitment. Hypothesis 3: Mentors who provide greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater organizational commitment.

8 Protégés Outcomes Affective well-being: -Mentoring reduces psychological stress Affective well-being: -Mentoring reduces psychological stress Hypothesis 4: Protégés who receive greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater affective well-being. Hypothesis 4: Protégés who receive greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater affective well-being.

9 Protégés Outcomes Organizational commitment: -Favorable affective reactions to the workplace (e.g., job satisfaction) -Positive attitudes about one’s career (e.g., career satisfaction and commitment). Organizational commitment: -Favorable affective reactions to the workplace (e.g., job satisfaction) -Positive attitudes about one’s career (e.g., career satisfaction and commitment). Hypothesis 5: Protégés who receive greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater organizational commitment. Hypothesis 5: Protégés who receive greater mentoring functions through mentoring relationships will report greater organizational commitment.

10 Method 9 Korean companies7 months 111 pairs of mentor-protégé Data collection Time 1 First day Time 2 After 6 months Time 3 End of the program (7 months)

11 Method Scale : 5 points from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Tool Mentoring functions ( Career support / psychological support / role modeling) 15-item measure (Scandura and Ragins, 1993) Transformational leadership 20 items of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X) Affective well-being 20-item short version of Job-Related Affective Well- Being Scale (JAWS) Organizational commitment 8-item scale (Allen and Meyer, 1990)

12 Results Protégés (rating of mentoring functions) Mentors (outcomes) Hypothesis 1 Career support Role modeling Transformational leadership Hypothesis 2Role modeling Affective well-being Hypothesis 3 Career support Psychological support Organizational commitment

13 Results Mentors (rating of mentoring functions) Protégés (outcomes) Hypothesis 4 Career support Affective well-being Hypothesis 5 Organizational commitment

14 Conclusion Among the three mentoring functions, career support accounted for the largest proportion of total variance in both mentor and protégé outcomes.

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