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Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. JoAnn Cassar and Roberta De Angelis – University of Malta Educational Toolkit The Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. JoAnn Cassar and Roberta De Angelis – University of Malta Educational Toolkit The Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. JoAnn Cassar and Roberta De Angelis – University of Malta Educational Toolkit The Conservation Process Module 4 Basic Course Exercises Topic4.B What can be done?

2 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Copyright ©ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2012 This material is an integral part of the “ELAICH – educational toolkit” and developed as part of the project ELAICH – Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage within the framework of EuroMed Cultural Heritage 4 Programme under grant agreement ENPI 150583. All rights reserved to the ELAICH Beneficiaries. This material, in its entirety only, may be used in "fair use" only as part of the ELAICH – educational toolkit for the educational purposes by non-profit educational establishments or in self-education, by any means at all times and on any downloads, copies and or, adaptations, clearly indicating “©ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2011” and making reference to these terms. Use of the material amounting to a distortion or mutilation of the material or is otherwise prejudicial to the honor or reputation of ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2011 is forbidden. Use of parts of the material is strictly forbidden. No part of this material may be: (1) used other than intended (2) copied, reproduced or distributed in any physical or electronic form (3) reproduced in any publication of any kind (4) used as part of any other teaching material in any framework; unless prior written permission of the ELAICH Beneficiaries has been obtained. Disclaimer This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ELAICH Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. Prof. JoAnn Cassar and Roberta De Angelis – University of Malta

3 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 4.2 What can be done? appropriate legislation visual observation historical research maintenance treatment proposal cleaning consolidation of materials treatment tests documentation of conservation treatments application of mortar to fill in stone losses education of neighbours/users addressing the causes of deterioration scientific investigations to determine the causes of deterioration Exercise 4-B(part 1) Look at the different actions/steps jumbled below and drag them in the appropriate boxes given in the next slide, dividing them into: actions taking place before the conservation intervention (BEFORE) actions included in the conservation intervention (CONSERVATION INTERVENTION) actions taking place after the conservation intervention is completed (AFTER) actions that should take place all the time (OVERRIDING ACTIONS)

4 4 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 4.2 What can be done? BEFORE CONSERVATION INTERVENTION AFTER OVERRIDING ACTIONS appropriate legislation education of neighbours/users scientific investigations to determine the deterioration and its causes addressing the causes of deterioration maintenance After Before documentation of conservation treatments application of mortar to fill in stone losses treatment tests consolidation of materials cleaning treatment proposal historical research visual observation Exercise 4-B (part 1)

5 5 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage What can be done? STEP/TREATMENT DEFINITION structural works application of mortar to fill in joints between stone or brick and losses treatment trials consolidation of materials cleaning treatment proposal mortar repairs/pointing removing “foreign” materials from the surface of an object treatment that allows re-establishing cohesion in a weakened material planning the conservation intervention preliminary tests carried out to evaluate conservation materials and methods measures tackling problems related to the stability of buildings Drag and match the correct definition (right) with each step/treatment (left) Exercise 4-B (part 2)

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