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2009-11-20 CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,2009 1 On the Real Data Analysis: Vertex efficiency /resolution, Qflag(Run) & Lumi Info. Xiangwei Meng Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "2009-11-20 CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,2009 1 On the Real Data Analysis: Vertex efficiency /resolution, Qflag(Run) & Lumi Info. Xiangwei Meng Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009-11-20 CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,2009 1 On the Real Data Analysis: Vertex efficiency /resolution, Qflag(Run) & Lumi Info. Xiangwei Meng Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing Nov. 20, 2009

2 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20092 Contents  To study quarkonia and measure their production Tracking efficiency Momentum scale/resolution I.P.resolution Vertex efficiency/resolution*  Quality flags in DBS  Lumi info. in DBS & CMSSW

3 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20093 Work ongoing and people involved... Extract vertex resolution function from data:  QCD events b-depleted (J. Bernardini) : -pseudo decay lentgh in bin of ptJpsi and eta muons -primary vertex from beamspot (OK) -primary vertex from reconstruction event-by-event (~OK, needs some work)  Study of pseudo decay length in B->Jpsi X events( ~OK ) (J. Bernardini)  Upsilon events ( F.Fiori )  Study of beamspot at 900 GeV, 7 TeV ( ~200 m, 60 m ) and misalignment studies ( Supreet Pal Singh, F.Fiori )

4 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20094 Vertex Resolution function from the data using ad-hoc samples For an integrated luminosity of 200 nb-1, we would get about 0.7 Million QCD useful combinations in the given mass range.

5 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20095 What we have learned....  Vertex resolution function depends by kinetic variable as pt Jpsi and of eta the two muons Both with |  |<1.1 Both with 1.1<|  |<2.4 One with |  |<1.1 and the other with 1.1<|  |<2.4 RMS  m RMS  m RMS  m

6 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20096 What we have learned.... J/psiQCD J/PsiQCD Width (  m) Fraction Width (  m) Fraction 350.52±0.10330.53±0.15 550.45520.47 1870.031480.07 8<pT (GeV)<10 2.5<Mass (GeV)<3.5

7 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20097

8 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20098 What we have learned.... With primary vertex reconstructed event-by-event does not agree as expected resolution depends on number of tracks associated to the vertex Primary Vertex resolution c tau resolution Vertex resolution vs # of tracks # of tracks vs Jpsi pT

9 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,20099 A little montecarlo toy Simulating the content in tracks of Jpsi primary vertex

10 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,200910 B->Jpsi X Good agreement of resolution so we can use the vertexresolution function extracted by data also in B events For primary vertex event-by-event same situation than the QCD...

11 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,200911 Conclusions & todo list  With beamspot good agreement QCD-Jpsi in bin of pt and eta  With primary vertex reconstructed event-by- event seems to be good, but many work to optimize the strategy  Opimize binning and fits  Analysis on Upsilon started this week (Fiori)  To be started work on misaligment and beamspot size study in the earlier run at 900 Gev and 7 TeV (Supreet,Fiori)

12 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,200912

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18 2009-11-20CMS B-physics Group Meeting 11,20,200918 Backups

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