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Creating a Better and More Sustainable Future: Key Directions and Actions Debra Rowe

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1 Creating a Better and More Sustainable Future: Key Directions and Actions Debra Rowe

2 Debra Rowe, Ph.D. President U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development Co-chair Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium Advisor Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Professor, Sustainable Energies and Behavioral Sciences Oakland Community College Thanks to John Richter and Anthony Cortese for some of these slides

3 Part IWhat is sustainability and education for sustainability? Part II Stories/successes for culture shifting Part III Solutions and Change Agent Skills Part IV Crucial next steps – Policy and PR Part VResources for you Part VICelebrate!

4 Sustainable Development is often defined as: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” World Commission on Env. and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. England: Oxford University Press.

5 Education for a Sustainable Society: “enables people to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions …, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.”

6 Strong Economy Social Well-being Flourishing Environment Sustainable Society Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability

7 Applied Knowledge/ Technological Skills Private Choices and Behaviors-Habits Public Choices and Behaviors-Laws Sustainable Communities Sustainable Economies Ecosystem

8 Why climate change and other environmental Issues are so important 1.Human presence on a global scale 2.All living systems in long term decline at unprecedented and accelerating rate 3.Unprecedented growth in population and consumption 4.Climate change Our decisions will create: more scarcity and suffering, or a future of greater abundance and higher quality of life

9 life supporting resources declining consumption of life supporting resources rising Global Perspective

10 Why is EFS Important? We are the first generation capable of determining the habitability of the planet for humans and other species. The decisions of this generation are crucial. The standard requirements for a higher education degree are outdated.

11 Why is EFS such a high priority? 1.Much of the public doesn’t know that we are exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet. ( 2.Public doesn’t know we can reduce human suffering, environmental degradation and social ills now while building stronger economies 3.A rapid shift in mindset is needed and education to action is the key.

12 Old Worldview vs. Updated Worldview of Sustainability From Fossil powered Take, make, waste Living off nature’s capital Market as master Loss of cultural & biological diversity Independence Materialism as goal To Non-polluting powered Cyclical production Living off nature’s income Market as servant Maintain cultural & biological diversity Interdependence Reduced human suffering and quality of life goal

13 Potentials for Energy Conservation and Renewable Energies Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization by Lester Brown Founder of Worldwatch Institute Downloadable at GREAT Cross College Reading in All Disciplines

14 Potentials for Renewable Energies Can we meet all our energy needs with renewable energies and energy conservation? YES Why aren’t we? Long term vested interests – Coal, Oil, uncaring wealthy

15 Solutions: All of us engaged as effective change agents in our sustainability challenges From apathy caring involvement. Know that our daily decisions affect the quality of life of people around the globe. Culture of sustainability – MTV’s Breaking the Addiction to Oil Push for appropriate policies

16 Part II Trends and Examples Stories and Successes for Culture Shifting

17 Share stories of what “normal” people can do: Feeding the poor in Detroit Nike Syracuse Getting to zero – Larry Eisenberg, LACCD SHARE THE STORIES – Bathrooms, signage, monitors, campus maps

18 U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development: Convene, Catalyze and Communicate Sector Teams: Business, Higher Education, K-12, Communities, Faith, Youth…

19 Trends in sectors – some examples Business – LOHAS - Japan, SOL Sustainability Consortium, Businesses for Social Responsibility, Shareholders, Investors (e.g. Goldman Sachs and Swiss RE) Communities - Mayors Climate Protection and Smart Growth, Grand Rapids model K-12 – Nat. Assoc. of Independent Schools, U.S. Summit, need for international alliances Faith - Religious Partnership and Interfaith Alliance, Regeneration Project Youth – Climate Challenge, Reduce Your Impact, Action Campaigns…

20 For higher education, Sustainable Development is being integrated into: Curricula Research Operations Community Outreach and Partnerships Student Life Professional Development Mission and Planning Purchasing plus legislation and public awareness

21 Internationally, a taste… In Sweden, it is a law that all undergraduates be educated about sustainability High priority in higher education principles in European Union Association of Canadian Community Colleges Environmental Sust. Group, World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics

22 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education AASHE (AY-shee) Sign up for the free bulletin Search the resources and the digest – great stories

23 GREAT NEWS!!! Growing National Trend in U.S.: Seventeen national HE associations and twenty national disciplinary associations are creating initiatives on Education for Sustainable Development

24 Engaged National Associations 1. ACE–Am. Council on Ed.– Presidents’ Magazine W’06 2. AACU – Ass. of American Colleges and Universities 3.AACC – Am. Ass. of Community Colleges 4.AASCU – State Institutions 5.ACUHO – Housing 6.NACAS – Aux. Officers 7.NAEP – Educational Buyers 8.NACA – Campus Activities 9. APPA – Facilities 10. NACUBO – Business Officers 11. SCUP – College and University Planners 12. ACUI – Student Unions 13. ACPA – Student Life 14. NACUFS – Food 15. ACEED-I – Events and Conference Directors 16. NACS – Campus Stores 17. NIRSA – Recreation 18. AGB – Ass. of Governing Boards AND MORE

25 Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium Resources page for you

26 Resources for You VIA HEASC and DANS and AASHE One Example – culture on campus including: sustainability primer learning outcomes residential sustainable living campaigns first year experience orientation film series and sustainability media festivals 3 pages of campus activities engagement of student groups put it in job descriptions and annual reviews

27 Higher Education Associations Collaboration between higher education associations on: AASHE Rating system - STARS Socially and environmentally responsible procurement President’s pledge on climate change – over 550 presidents! Catalyzing Days for Individual Institutions Professional development for all higher education staff

28 Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability – DANS American Psychological Association Sociology Religion Philosophy Math Broadcasting Architecture Engineering (civil, mechanical, eng. ed.) Ecological Economics Chemistry Biology American Association for the Advancement of Science Computer Research Humanities Women’s Studies Political Science Anthropology More…

29 DANS – Infusing s.d. into: 1.Curricula 2.Promotion and tenure and accreditation 3.Legislative briefings 4.Informing the public 5.Cross-disciplinary approaches 6.Funding 7.Professional identity as an academic Use your work to contribute to HEASC and DANS – LEVERAGE It Up to National Precedents and Professional Norms!!!!

30 Imagine a country where all college students get credit for helping to solve our societal problems through their academic assignments.

31 Play A Greater Part Academic learning combined with real life problem solving for sustainability in all disciplines and as degree core. Building healthier self-concepts. We can change society for the better. Becoming life long change agents.

32 Making sustainability an integral part of planning, operations, facility design, purchasing, investments, community partnerships and curricula.

33 Skills: 1)Teach/learn sustainable development literacy 2)Teach/learn efficacy; tell stories of “normal” people making a difference 3)Teach/learn interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences – e.g. civil discourse, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence 4)Teach/learn systems thinking, futurist skills and change agent skills

34 Change Agent Skills – select ideas, more available on request LAF about the ABCs – (Love, Activism and Feedback while preventing burnout) Build coalitions by: Asking for their input Legacy argument – story for your grandchildren Toot their horns – diversity and commonality Give obstructionists awards Play with the hierarchy – quote Speak truth to power with media and vision

35 Change Agent Skills Talk betw. the mtgs./count your votes/pref. Frame as a national trend – diffusion of innovation curve and the obedient middles Frame as non partisan (e.g. preparing people for democracy, Goldman Sachs) Student Approved Label- asgmts. matter Use what you do to shift the national norms = feed it to DANS, HEASC and AASHE

36 Change Agent Skills Powerful approach - “You have a unique and important contribution to make to a sustainable future. We can’t imagine doing this without you.” Need a title? We have titles for you. (2 new Sustainability Fellows at this conference)

37 The higher education community as a living lab for sustainability oriented practices and skill building. Providing opportunities to practice behavior changes Partner with local businesses, government, non-profits Building values, behaviors, and identities A community of learners. “I don’t know. Let’s learn together.” A community of real life problem solvers.

38 Part IV Crucial next steps – Policy and PR

39 What You Can Do –Crucial next steps!!! Policy Take it to your elected representatives. Engage in energy and sustainability policy. Vested interests – coal, oil, uncaring wealthy Barrier - Entertained, unengaged and struggling lower and middle classes.

40 What You Can Do –Crucial next steps!!! Policy Counterbalancing force – 3 moral voices of society: Higher Ed Youth Faith (some businesses) Keep shining the light on their votes

41 What You Can Do –Crucial next steps!!! Successes: Higher Education Sustainability Act Energy Bill Now we need action on appropriations 3 students changed a senator’s vote Calls from you and your presidents are powerful!

42 What is needed? Policy Solutions: Ask to end the imbalance of subsidies. Account for the full cost. Create proper incentives. Social justice legislation too!

43 What You Can Do –Crucial next steps!!! Policy needs: 1.Extend Renewable Energies Tax Credits (will expire ’08) 2.Reduce Fossil Fuel Subsidies 3.Pass quality Climate Change Legislation 4.Financing so conservation and renewables is easy - Imagine

44 Institutional and State Policies also important, e.g. Ask for sustainability to be put into all job descriptions and annual reviews LEED good, but need net zero and energy positive buildings Work to end separation of capital and operating funds State tax structure

45 THE NATIONAL TEACH-IN February 5th, 2009 On Global Warming Solutions Dr. Eban Goodstein, Lewis & Clark College

46 FOCUS ON THE FIRST 100 DAYS Critical moment for the US and the world Successor to Focus the Nation 1/31/08 Teach-In Site Goes Live, 9/1

47 CAMPUS TO CONGRESS Intergenerational Dialogue WEBCAST (Pre-taped, download) Featuring David Orr, Hunter Lovins, Ray Anderson, Billy Parish CURRICULUM PCAP Policy Discussion TEACH-IN COMPONENTS

48 CHANGE THE FUTURE A non-partisan opportunity to engage youth in the creation of green jobs, greenhouse gas emissions cuts, and justice. Encourages candidates to become bold political leaders and then hold them accountable once they're in office. Give academic credit. Relevant to humanities, social sciences, natural sciences as personal experience, social movement, behavior change, science and society…

49 Other crucial step Utilize the media to publicize the positive stories and possibilities for sustainability American Marketing Association partnership: join us in framing sustainability for the public Email us to learn more at

50 If you feel overwhelmed or unsure, you are normal. Don’t give up!! There are people you can talk to/email about how to create success.

51 GET YOUR FRONT EDGE QUESTIONS ANSWERED EFS-Acad Listserv Green Schools Listserv – almost instantaneous answers to your specific questions Community College national monthly phone conference call from AACC State college and universities monthly phone conference call – Marlene Nang, Chancellor’s office

52 Challenges and Answers Challenges Already busy Don’t know this stuff Putting out fires, don’t have time to do the right thing Issues complex and systemic Societal & environmental impacts invisible and ignored Answers Don’t have to know the answers. Just keep asking the sustainability questions. Don’t try to get it perfect first. Use resources and learn from others to help you learn, grow and implement Sustainability is everyone’s job You have an important role to play

53 Conclusions - Leverage it up!!! 1.The public is not educated enough about the sustainability issues before us. 2.We need sustainability literacy and engagement in solutions for ALL. 3.You are creating the future with your daily decisions. 4.Successful precedents/materials can assist you in the sustainability path you choose as a private person, as an employee, and as a community member. 5.Climate change is the highest priority with the shortest time line. Engage in both policy and culture shifting. 6.We can model and change consumption behaviors, investment, institutional and civic policies to create appropriate market modifications for sustainability.

54 The Power of What You Do We can choose a sustainable future

55 Congratulations for all you have done. Congratulations for all you will do in the future. Let your enthusiasm show! For more information, contact Debra Rowe at

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