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Do Now: Is violence justified? Is violence ever justified? If so, when? When isn’t violence justified? Give specific examples. The Death of Robespierre.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Is violence justified? Is violence ever justified? If so, when? When isn’t violence justified? Give specific examples. The Death of Robespierre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Is violence justified? Is violence ever justified? If so, when? When isn’t violence justified? Give specific examples. The Death of Robespierre

2 Do Now: Declarations of Rights 1.Summarize the main points of each of the 3 declarations of rights we read on Friday. 2.Which do you think is the most radical of the 3? Why?

3 If you missed HW #1 Quiz on Friday – need to make it up today!

4 CHANGE: HW #3 due Monday 2/9 -- Reading is separate packet – you’ll have it by Thursday

5 CHANGE: Graphic Novel due Wednesday 2/11 (next week!)  Needs to have all 35 events for full credit

6 +5 XC Have events #1-19 done on THURSDAY (high quality, final draft)

7 HW #2: p.30-35 Group storytelling – Using your homework (or a reader), summarize the event assigned to you in 2-3 sentences. Be ready to tell this part of the “story” when called on! The Death of Robespierre

8 [Class Notes]: Robespierre & Terror: When is violence justified? 2/2/09

9 Robespierre  1758-1794  Leader of Committee of Public Safety  Started “Reign of Terror”  Arrested 1794  Tried to shoot himself, but missed  Died July 28, 1794

10 Robespierre’s Justification of the Use of Terror “If the spring [source] of popular government in times of peace is virtue [moral goodness], the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror [violent action for political purposes]: virtue, without terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation [a product of] of virtue; it is not too much a special principle as it is a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country’s most urgent needs.”  Summarize what he meant, in your own words (1-2 sentences)

11 Now it is time for you all to decide when “terror” is justified. Read each scenario and discuss if you think violence is justified in this case. After discussing, answer the question(s) in your notes.

12 Scenario 1: Fur! Fur-free Friday is held every year on the day after Thanksgiving all around the US. Protesters gather and hold up signs of animals slaughtered to make a statement about cruel treatment of animals. Some protesters in the past have even thrown fake blood on people wearing fur coats. 1.Are the protesters justified in their actions? 2.Should the protesters be punished?


14 Scenario 2: Algeria Algeria was a colony of France. In the 1950s, the people of Algeria were fighting a war for independence. France sent more and more soldiers and killed many Algerians. To attract world attention to their cause, the Algerians began a campaign of setting bombs in restaurants and other public places back in France. Many civilians were killed in these attacks. Algeria eventually won its independence after an 8 year death toll of 1,000,000 Algerians and 100,000 French. 1.Were the Algerians justified to bomb French public places? 2.What should France have done in response?


16 Scenario 3: Anti-Abortion Abortion-related violence, or anti-abortion violence, is criminal violence committed against individuals and organizations that provide abortion. Incidents of violence have ranged from the destruction of property, in the form of vandalism, arson, and bombings, to kidnapping, stalking, assault, attempted murder, and murder. The most recent act was an arson at an abortion clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia on May 9, 2007. 1.Are pro-life activists justified in their actions? 2.What is the proper punishment for the arsonists?


18 Scenario 4: El Salvador The people of El Salvador tried to change their government peacefully for many years. Demonstrations of students, nurses and teachers were attacked by police and army with guns. Union leaders were assassinated. Newspaper reporters were killed for writing negative things about the government. Priests and nuns were killed for siding with the people. Eventually, activists organized underground organizations that started a revolutionary war, fighting for change with guns and bombs. The war lasted from 1980- 1992. By the time a peace accord was signed, 75,000 Salvadorians had been killed. Were the Salvadorians justified to start their underground revolution?


20 Rest of the Period: Work on graphic novels (events #1-19)

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