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Amazon Basin Revision AS 2.1 Natural Landscapes AS 2.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Amazon Basin Revision AS 2.1 Natural Landscapes AS 2.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazon Basin Revision AS 2.1 Natural Landscapes AS 2.1

2 Butress roots –an interaction between vegetation and soils

3 Practise drawing a sketch map locating and labelling these landform features The sedimentary Basin Andes Amazon River Madeira River Rio Negro Brazilian Highlands Guyana Highlands Varzea Don’t forget your mapping conventions

4 Explain = give reasons for, accounting for, justifying, comparing, clarifying. Assessment will involve selection from the following: –Variations within a natural landscape. This refers to how and why features of the environment have spatial variation within the landscape area. –How a natural landscape evolves and changes, which refers to: climatic processes tectonic and other internal processes erosion, transportation, deposition and other surface processes. –The effect of cultural perspectives and human activities on a natural landscape. This refers to particular ways in which groups of people interpret and explain landscapes through their knowledge, practices and beliefs.

5 Ecosystem Elements Amazon Basin Natural Landscape Landforms Soils Vegetation Climate Drainage Explain Variations in the Amazon Basin Natural Landscape

6 Landforms Andes (5000 masl), varzea floodplain (alluvium), sedimentary basin, tributaries, Brazilian Highlands, Guyana Highlands

7 Soils Thin mountain soils of the Andes Fertile alluvial soils of the varzea Leached lateritic soils of the basin

8 Vegetation patterns Evergreen rainforest Semi deciduous (seasonal) rainforest Savanna



11 A vegetation pattern –stratification of the forest

12 Climate ITCZ –frontal rainfall Orographic rainfall Evapo transpiration / convectional rainfall

13 Drainage



16 How a natural landscape evolves and changes over time Formation of Guyana and Brazilian Plateaus 300myBP Split from Gondwana 100myBP Andes 20myBP Inland Sea 15myBp Amazon flowed into Atlantic 8myBP

17 The effect of cultural perspectives and human activities on a natural landscape. This refers to particular ways in which groups of people interpret and explain landscapes through their knowledge, practices and beliefs. What are the traditional uses of the environment? What are the modern uses of the environment?

18 Amazon key words Varzea Laterites Leaching Evapo transpiration Savanna ITCZ Orographic rainfall Alluvium Erosion Fill in some more of your own!

19 Key concepts Amazon Natural Landscape.doc

20 The effect of cultural perspectives and human activities on a natural landscape. Trans Amazon Highway Deforestation by burning for agriculture

21 Some exam questions Explain how elements affect each other and cause variations in your chosen Natural Landscape. Draw labelled diagrams, cross-sections and/or sketch maps to show and explain four distinctive stages in the evolution of your chosen natural landscape. Explain how and why the human activity has affected the Amazon Basin natural landscape.. Refer to specific places and examples.

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