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Lesson 1: READING UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA Warm-up What film is this? Back to school.

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3 Warm-up What film is this? Back to school

4 Time: 10 seconds to discuss & answer. 10 points for one correct answer. Both English and Vietnamese names are acceptable. Only the leader’s answer is accepted. If the leader can’t give the right answer, the chance will be given to the other group. Group with the highest points will be the winner. THE RULE 9 extracts of films.


6 Task 1: Find the word in the passage that can match with the definition. 1. __________ film-making industry. 2. _________ series of related events or actions. 3. ____________a period of ten years. 4. ____________ quickly and in a short time. 5. ____________ part of a film. 6. ____________ a person in a film. Cinema Sequence Decade Rapidly Scene Character While-reading

7 Task 2: Read the passage again and answer the following question. Back to school 12345678910 When did the history of cinema begin? In the early 19th century

8 12345678910 What did scientists discover at that time? They discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement.

9 12345678910 Did films in the early days have sound? No, they didn’t.

10 12345678910 When were audiences able to see long films? In the early 1910s.

11 12345678910 When was sound introduced? It was not until at the end of the 1920s.

12 12345678910 6.What form of films appeared as the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones? The musical cinema

13 Task 3. Decide which of the options below is the best title for the passage. A. The Story of a Film Maker. B. A Brief History of Cinema. C. The History of the Film Industry.

14 WHILE READING Talk about the passage, using the cues below. 19 th century1910s1920s 19051915

15 In 19th century the history of cinema began. By 1905 films were about five or ten minutes long. In the early 1910s audiences were able to enjoy the first long films. It was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. At the end of the 1920s the cinema changed completely.

16  Learn vocabulary by heart & do the exercises again.  Prepare for the next period – speaking.

17 Have a nice day!

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