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James Gregory F a t h e r a n d S o n. My Life, My Son and Fathers Against Violence.

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Presentation on theme: "James Gregory F a t h e r a n d S o n. My Life, My Son and Fathers Against Violence."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Gregory F a t h e r a n d S o n

2 My Life, My Son and Fathers Against Violence

3 Roots James Gregory

4 Growing up James Gregory

5 Family life James Gregory

6 My son, Guiseppe James Gregory My Son, Giuseppe Gregory

7 Life in prison James Gregory

8 Personal Life Story James Gregory

9 Boy, 16, shot dead as he is chased out of pub in latest outbreak of gang violence Guiseppe Gregory

10 Personal Life Story James Gregory

11 Fathers Against Violence “Empowering the fathers of today to inspire the fathers of tomorrow” Personal Life Story James Gregory

12 Fathers Against Violence James Gregory

13 Youth Engagement Activities

14 Can U kick it

15 Success Story

16 Recognition of my work Paul Sessay – Founder of the N.D.A

17 National Diversity Awards Peter Thatchell

18 Future for FAV James Gregory

19 Thank you for listening I am happy to answer any questions you may have Personal Life Story James Gregory

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