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Proofs of Space Stefan Dziembowski Symposium on the Work of Ivan Damgård April 1, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark Sebastian Faust Vladimir Kolmogorov Krzysztof Pietrzak.

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Presentation on theme: "Proofs of Space Stefan Dziembowski Symposium on the Work of Ivan Damgård April 1, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark Sebastian Faust Vladimir Kolmogorov Krzysztof Pietrzak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proofs of Space Stefan Dziembowski Symposium on the Work of Ivan Damgård April 1, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark Sebastian Faust Vladimir Kolmogorov Krzysztof Pietrzak

2 General idea We introduce Proofs of Space – a type of a “proof of effort”, where the “effort” is measured in terms of “wasted memory” (an alternative to Proofs of Work). We introduce Proofs of Space – a type of a “proof of effort”, where the “effort” is measured in terms of “wasted memory” (an alternative to Proofs of Work).

3 Proofs of Work – a tool for dealing with the Sybil attacks Sybil attack example: 1 identity many identities

4 Proofs of work Introduced by Dwork and Naor [Crypto 1992] as a countermeasure against spam. Basic idea: Force users to do some computational work: solve a moderately difficult “puzzle” (checking correctness of the solution has to be fast)

5 How are the PoWs used? verifer prover fast slow

6 Applications of PoWs 1.Cloud computing services 2.Preventing denial of service attacks 3.Cryptocurrencies...

7 How to measure computational difficulty? Original method of Dwork and Naor: number of computing steps. Some later works [ABW03, DGN03, DNW05]: number of times the memory is accessed.

8 A drawback of PoW systems costs money bad for environment 1. high energy consumption 2.advantage for people with dedicated hardware

9 What to do? This problem seems unavoidable: The only way to prove that one “invested a lot of computing power” is to do a lot of computation. What is the other resource that we could use? Proofs of Space (PoS): instead of CPU use disk space!

10 Example of an application Goal: prevent malicious users from opening lots of fake accounts. Method: force each account owner to “waste” large part of his local space. Important: the space needs to be allocated as long as the user uses the service. cloud computing service (e.g. email system)

11 Main difference from PoWs To prove that one wasted n CPU cycles one needs to perform these cycles. while: To prove that one wasted n bytes one does not need touch all of them.

12 Advantages more energy-efficient no “hardware acceleration” cheaper (user can devote their unused disk space)

13 The security definition

14 How to measure time and space

15 verify prove R R... prove verify prover’s memory verifer prover

16 How to define security of a PoS Properties: completeness, soundness, and efficiency. If the prover is honest then the verifier will always accept the proof. less trivial to define

17 How to define the efficiency? Let us show a very simple (but not efficient) PoS. Note: we have not defined the security yet, so it’s just an “informal example”.

18 A “trivial PoS” R R random

19 Efficiency verifierprover We require that the computing time of the parties is as follows:

20 How to define soundness? Informally: we want to force a cheating prover to constantly waste a lot of memory.

21 What would be the goal of a cheating prover? verify prove... Init(Id) proof verify prove

22 Observation: a cheating prover has a simple (but inefficient) winning strategy. Init(Id) X X answer by simulating expand by simulating R R proof X X Moral: we need to restrict the power of a cheating prover. Moral: we need to restrict the power of a cheating prover.

23 Restrictions on cheating prover

24 In our paper:

25 Security definition P()

26 The constructions

27 Why is constructing the PoS schemes non- trivial? Time-memory tradeoffs  R R X X R R For example:

28 Our main technique 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

29 Very informally A graph that is bad if it can be “quickly” labeled if one stores a “small” number of labels. Example of a bad graph: 1 1 2 2 3 3 N N

30 Our tools

31 How to build a PoS from a good graph?

32 C C


34 Our results

35 Spacemint A natural question: how to construct a cryptocurrency based on PoS. Not trivial... A recent paper: Park, Pietrzak, Kwon, Alwen, Fuchsbauer, and Gazi: SpaceMint: A Cryptocurrency Based on Proofs of Space. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2015/528

36 Previous/related/independent work Graph pebbling in context of the Proofs of Work: introduced by Dwork, Naor, and Wee: Pebbling and proofs of work, 2005. Proofs of Secure Erasure introduced by Perito and Tsudik, 2010 other constructions: Karvelas and Kiayias, 2014, and Ateniese, Bonacina, Faonio, and Galesi, 2014. Similar graph techniques (in a context of leakage-resilient crypto): Smith and Zhang, Eprint 2013. A recent paper: Ling Ren and Srinivas Devadas Proof of Space from Stacked Bipartite Graphs, Eprint 2016 weaker notion than the Proofs of Space. Main difference with: lack of two phases. Called “Proofs of Space” there.

37 Thank you!

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