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US History 1-12-16 ObjectiveAgenda Marshall Supreme Court Cases AVW: Monopoly Bellwork: Read “Federalist Plan to secede” pg 316 Create a slogan for a Federalist.

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Presentation on theme: "US History 1-12-16 ObjectiveAgenda Marshall Supreme Court Cases AVW: Monopoly Bellwork: Read “Federalist Plan to secede” pg 316 Create a slogan for a Federalist."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History 1-12-16 ObjectiveAgenda Marshall Supreme Court Cases AVW: Monopoly Bellwork: Read “Federalist Plan to secede” pg 316 Create a slogan for a Federalist protest. Along with a few sentences explain its meaning. om/watch?v=55hAMd nCwMU om/watch?v=55hAMd nCwMU State Benchmark: 8 – U4.2.1 Pg. 317 1-6

2 Marbury vs. Madison John Adams (midnight appt’s) Madison did not deliver the appt. (TJ told him not too) Marbury Sued Both parties used the constitution to support claim. JUDICIAL REVIEW: John Marshall said that it will be the SUPREME COURT would determine what is constitutional or not.

3 McCullough vs. Maryland 1819 McCulloughMaryland Trying to open Federal Bank in Maryland 2 nd bank established in the US McCullough Won IMPLIED POWERS!!!! Elastic Clause: Congress can do more then the Constitution authorizes it to do. Tax Federal Bank, if not chartered in Maryland. Argues 10 th Amendment: Reserved power for states Article 1 section 8: List of delegated power to Congress No Specifically stated.

4 Gibbons vs. Ogden GibbonsOgden Fined for operating a steamboat on NY waterway. Gibbons won! Commerce Clause: Federal Government hold precedence over state law Received permission from Robert Livingston to Monopolize NY water ways. Lost: FED Gov controls waterways

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