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Disability and Identity

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2 Disability and Identity

3 Learning Objectives To define disability
To explain stereotypes of disability To explain how disability may be a stigmatised identity

4 Impairment and Disability
In pairs, note down what the difference is between an impairment and a disability? An impairment is some loss, limitation or difference of functioning of the mind or body. A disability is when a physical or mental impairment prevents a person from carrying out everyday activities.

5 The Social Construction of Disability
Shakespeare suggests that disability should be seen as a social construction: a problem created by the attitudes of society and not be the state of our bodies. What does Shakespeare mean by this? Can you give examples? How can an impairment be turned into a disability by society?

6 Social v Medical Model of Disability
Social model: Oliver argues it is society which disables physically impaired people because the disabled are excluded from full participation in society by stereotypical attitudes held by able bodied people. Medical model: Best notes that traditionally disability was seen in terms of a person’s inability to fully participate in various activities that the rest of us take for granted. Disabled people were therefore seen as reliant on the able bodied

7 Social v Medical Model of Disability
What might be the problems with seeing disability according to the medical model? What might be the problem with seeing dependence as being a key feature of a disabled identity? Summarise the difference between the medical model of disability and the social model. How can the stigma attached to wheelchairs, compared to the lack of stigma attached to wearing glasses illustrate how disability is socially constructed?

8 Stereotypes of Disability
Produce a spider diagram of the stereotypes that are applied to disability.

9 Media How are people with disabilities portrayed in the media?
Give examples Can you think of any positive portrayals of people with disabilities in the media?


11 Disability as a Master Status
Why might people with disabilities find that their disability becomes their master status? What other identities of theirs may be ignored?

12 Disability as a Stigmatised Identity
Why is there a stigma attached to disability? How might this affect the way a person is treated? Provide examples. Why might disabled individuals fail at Goffman’s impression management?

13 Learned Helplessness Watson argues stereotypes about disability can have a negative effect on how disabled people perceive themselves and their abilities. Disabled people may respond to these stereotypes by developing low self esteem. This can be supported by a study by Scott of blind people. After observing the interaction between medical professionals and blind people, Scott argued the blind developed a blind personality because they internalised the experts’ view that they should be experiencing psychological problems. Part of this involved learned helplessness, which was that the blind people should rely on sighted people for help. Which theory of identity does this link to? Why?

14 Postmodernism and Marxism
In your groups note down what the Postmodernists and the Marxists would say about the experiences of disabled individuals in society. Think about whether they would see their experiences as positive or negative and why.

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