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English 7CP Mr. Snow. Noun = word or word group naming a person, place, thing, or idea. PERSONS: Mr. Snow, chef, Dr. Ling PLACES: Arizona, room, Kenya.

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Presentation on theme: "English 7CP Mr. Snow. Noun = word or word group naming a person, place, thing, or idea. PERSONS: Mr. Snow, chef, Dr. Ling PLACES: Arizona, room, Kenya."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 7CP Mr. Snow

2 Noun = word or word group naming a person, place, thing, or idea. PERSONS: Mr. Snow, chef, Dr. Ling PLACES: Arizona, room, Kenya THINGS: lamp, stone, Golden Gate Bridge IDEAS: happiness, liberty, self-control THE NOUN: OVERVIEW

3 WORD ROOTS FOR NOUNS CHAPTER Word rootMeaning Vocabulary Words 1. Nom Name Noun (n): A person, place, thing, or idea

4 Nouns made up of more than one word are called compound nouns. HYPHENATED: mother-in-law, light-year TWO WORDS USED AS ONE: grand piano, jumping jack, water bottle THE NOUN: COMPOUND NOUNS

5 WORD ROOTS FOR NOUNS CHAPTER Word rootMeaning Vocabulary Words 1. Nom Name Noun (n): A person, place, thing, or idea 2. Co- With/Together/ Common Compound (adj.): Made from more than one part Collective (adj.): Grouped together

6 Proper nouns name a particular person, place, thing, or idea & begin with a capital letter. PERSON: John, Abraham Lincoln PLACE: Grand Canyon, Russia THING: Academy Award, Los Angeles Times IDEA: Buddhism, Manifest Destiny THE NOUN: PROPER NOUNS

7 Common nouns name any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas & are not capitalized. PERSON: student, musician, elder PLACE: classroom, country, city THING: rock, magazine, table IDEA: religion, fact, joy THE NOUN: COMMON NOUNS

8 Concrete nouns name a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by senses. Photograph, music, pears, filmmaker, sandpaper, rose, Brooklyn Bridge THE NOUN: CONCRETE NOUNS

9 Abstract nouns name an idea, feeling, quality, or characteristic. love, fun, freedom, self-esteem, beauty, honor, wisdom, Judaism THE NOUN: ABSTRACT NOUNS

10 WORD ROOTS FOR NOUNS CHAPTER Word rootMeaning Vocabulary Words 1. Nom Name Noun (n): A person, place, thing, or idea 2. Co- With/Together/ Common Compound (adj.): Made from more than one part Collective (adj.): Grouped together 3. Ab-/Abs- From/Away/Off Abstract (adj.): 1. Difficult to understand 2. Outside of normal reality

11 Collective nouns name a group. audience, band, family, team, quartet, crew, committee, class A collective noun is NOT the same as a plural noun! Plural = birds Collective = flock THE NOUN: COLLECTIVE NOUNS

12 I’m going to show you a picture. In your notes, write as many nouns as you can! Use common, proper, concrete, abstract, plural, collective, etc. FIND SOME NOUNS!

13 Jan Steen: The Drawing Lesson (1665)

14 Pronouns are used in place of nouns or other pronouns. Ask Dan if Dan has done Dan’s homework [sounds dumb, right?] Ask Dan if he has done his homework [pronouns help, eh?] Lois’s friends said Lois’s friends would help Lois find Lois’s books. Lois’s friends said they would help her find her books. THE PRONOUN: OVERVIEW

15 WORD ROOTS FOR NOUNS CHAPTER Word rootMeaning Vocabulary Words 1. Pro Before/In front of/ For/Forward Pronoun (n): A word that takes the place of a noun or another pronoun.

16 The antecedent is the word or word group the pronoun is replacing or referring to. Frederick, have you turned in your report? Walking the dog is fun, and it is good exercise. Sometimes there is no antecedent. Who asked that question? I didn’t understand what you said. THE PRONOUN: ANTECEDENTS

17 WORD ROOTS FOR NOUNS CHAPTER Word rootMeaning Vocabulary Words 1. Pro Before/In front of/ For/Forward Pronoun (n): A word that takes the place of a noun or another pronoun. 2. Ante Before/In front Antecedent (n): The word or word group a pronoun is replacing or referring back to.

18 Personal pronouns refer to the person speaking, spoken to, or spoken about. I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours you, your, yoursyou, your, yours [singular][plural] he, him, histhey, them she, her, herstheir, theirs it, its THE PRONOUN: PERSONAL

19 Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject and are necessary to the meaning of the sentence. myselfourselves yourselfyourselves himselfthemselves herself itself THE PRONOUN: REFLEXIVE

20 Intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or pronoun and are not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. myselfourselves yourselfyourselves himselfthemselves herself itself THE PRONOUN: INTENSIVE

21 Reflexive: Tara enjoyed herself. [herself is necessary] We prided ourselves on the victory. [ourselves is necessary] Intensive: I cooked this myself. [myself is not necessary since you already said that you cooked it] Did you do that yourself? [yourself is not necessary] THE PRONOUN: REFLEXIVE/INTENSIVE

22 Demonstrative pronouns point out (demonstrate) a particular person, place, thing, or idea.* THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE This is the book I bought. Are those the kinds of plants that bloom at night? THE PRONOUN: DEMONSTRATIVE

23 This, that, these, and those can also be demonstrative adjectives. Here’s the difference: DP: This is the book I bought. DA: This book is the one I bought. DP: Did you order this? DA: Did you order this burger? *A QUICK NOTE…

24 Interrogative pronouns introduce questions. WHAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOM, WHOSE What is the best brand of stereo? Who wrote Barrio Boy? THE PRONOUN: INTERROGATIVE

25 Indefinite pronouns refer to a person, place, thing, or idea that may or may not be specifically named.* All, any, anyone, both, each, either, everything, few, many, more, most, much, nobody, none, no one, one, other, several, some, somebody, etc. Both of the girls liked the gifts. I would like some of it. THE PRONOUN: INDEFINITE

26 Most indefinite pronouns can also be adjectives. Here’s the difference: IP: Some are bored by this movie. Adj: Some people are bored by this movie. IP: I’ll have some. Adj: I’ll have some food. *OH, AHH…ANOTHER QUICK NOTE

27 Relative pronouns introduce adjective clauses (a clause that functions as an adjective). THAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOM, WHOSE Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, was the sixteenth president of the United States. Exercise is something that many people enjoy. THE PRONOUN: RELATIVE

28 I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, we, our, ours, they, them, their, theirs, it, its, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, this, that, these, those, what, which, who, whom, whose, all, any, more, most, some, none, both, few, many, several, other, another, anything, anyone, anybody, everything, everyone, everybody, nothing, no one, nobody, something, someone, somebody, either, neither, each, one, much PRONOUNS! Eh?

29 FIN

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