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Finnish Road Enterprise HDM-4 TUTORIAL FOR THE 5 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGING PAVEMENTS Case Study: Network Level Strategy for Paved Roads in.

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Presentation on theme: "Finnish Road Enterprise HDM-4 TUTORIAL FOR THE 5 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGING PAVEMENTS Case Study: Network Level Strategy for Paved Roads in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finnish Road Enterprise HDM-4 TUTORIAL FOR THE 5 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGING PAVEMENTS Case Study: Network Level Strategy for Paved Roads in Estonia Mr. Ari Kalliokoski, Finnish Road Enterprise

2 Finnish Road Enterprise Introduction The study has been prepared by the Estonian National Road Administration and Technical Center of the Estonian Roads Ltd. with the technical assistance funded and accomplished by the Finnish National Road Administration. Technical guidance: Finnish Road Enterprise Inframan Ltd. The project was completed in February 2001. No chances to consider any details in-depth, because of the short of time and funding.

3 Finnish Road Enterprise The goals of the project The grounds for the need of money. Training of the local experts. The development of the Estonian PMS. The comparison between the previous analysis.

4 Finnish Road Enterprise FINLAND ESTONIA

5 Finnish Road Enterprise The Estonian PMS -system Road Data Bank RDB HDM-4 Estonian PMS EPMS Strategic Level Analysis Works Programming Level Analysis

6 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Subnetworks: All the road and traffic data used in the analysis was collected by Estonian PMS experts.

7 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Road Condition Classes: The road condition classes has been determined by local experts. The resulting road network matrix is comprised of (8 x 3 x 3 = ) 72 representative pavement sections DS = Defect Sum

8 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Paved Road Network in Estonia:

9 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Work Standards Maintenance and rehabilitation alternatives, average costs (1000 EEK/km): 1000 EEK = 50 USD SAC = Soft Asphalt Concrete

10 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Work Standards The intervention criteria:

11 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Work Standards Intervention levels, example 1

12 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Work Standards Intervention levels, example 2

13 Finnish Road Enterprise Basic Input Data and Assumptions Vehicle Fleet 1. Car Medium (passenger cars and vans) 2. Truck Medium 3. Truck Articulated The Level 1 -calibration was carried out for the Road User Effects

14 Finnish Road Enterprise Examples of Results Analysis Alternatives The following alternatives were analysed: 1. Unconstrained strategy 2. Budget constraint 350 MEEK/year ”Maximise NPV” -optimisation method 20 years, 5 % To show examples of the results To give data for the comparison to HIPS/GIM results (HIPS = Highway Investment Programming System, GIM = Generations Information Manager) HIPS/GIM -analysis has been conducted in 2000 in co- operation with: Estonian National Road Administration Finnish National Road Administration Two finnish companies (100Gen Ltd. & Inframan Ltd.)

15 Finnish Road Enterprise Examples of Results Unconstrained Programme A summary of the most urgent works (ten representative sections):

16 Finnish Road Enterprise Examples of Results Unconstrained Programme

17 Finnish Road Enterprise Examples of Results Budget constraint of 350 MEEK

18 Finnish Road Enterprise Examples of Results Budget constraint of 350 MEEK

19 Finnish Road Enterprise Conclusions This study was the first test of HDM-4 Strategy Analysis for Estonia and it was executed in order to gain information, whether HDM-4 would be suitable as strategic analysis part of the Estonian PMS. Calibration at level 1 was also executed succesfully. Estonian partners were trained for use of this tool. Data existing in local databases could be easily converted to HDM-4. The first results were very close to those of the previous strategy analysis (GIM), BUT the NPV/C -rates were very high?? HDM-4 deterministic methodology is rather comparable to the probabilistic one of the GIM. This approach is applicable to Estonian conditions.

20 Finnish Road Enterprise Problems, difficulties and findings The implementation of the HDM-4 is easy, when following elements exist: MEASURING equipment methods ROAD DATA BANK data input maintaining SKILLED STAFF The data transfer should be easier The more appropriate format of the database is needed. More development of the calibration instructions of the HDM-4 is also needed.

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