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Organization: Tobacco Free Assembly Country: China Title: Case Study: FCTC 10 th Anniversary Salon Date: November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization: Tobacco Free Assembly Country: China Title: Case Study: FCTC 10 th Anniversary Salon Date: November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization: Tobacco Free Assembly Country: China Title: Case Study: FCTC 10 th Anniversary Salon Date: November 2013

2 Overview Context In order to use China’s FCTC 10th anniversary as a reminder to push tobacco control in China forward, the Tobacco Free Assembly launched the #support tobacco control in the next decade hashtag. Action We called on people to repost Weibo content which explained why China signed the FCTC 10 years ago. The Chinese government should have implemented the provisions of FCTC, especially the two main policy objectives: 100% smoke-free environments and the TAPS Ban. Key opinion leaders were invited to join in the topic discussion to help generate buzz. Result An event was held on November 10, 2013. On November 18, the offline salon was held to echo the interactions on Weibo. Almost 40 guests attended this event, including key opinion leaders, law experts, tobacco control experts and media journalists. Over 20 traditional news stories were generated after the salon. Content with the campaign brand hashtag “Support TC for the Next Decade” generated over 450 likes, comments and/or shares from followers, making it the most popular content on the channel to date.

3 #support TC for next decade# China FCTC 10 th anniversary salon Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids November 2013

4 Guests attended the salon Almost 40 guests were invited to attend the salon, including 16 tobacco control experts, 16 media journalists and 4 key opinion leaders. TC Experts from our grantees Yang Gonghuan Wu Yiqun Wang Kean Xu Guihua Jiang Yuan Huang Jinrong …… KOLs Deng Fei Li Yong Liu Guiming Cao Jiwei Journalists Guang Ming Daily South weekly Xin Hua news agency Ren ……. Deng Fei He is known for his thoughts on public interests, such as fighting against child smuggling and calling for free lunch for children in poor areas Speaker on the SF panel discussion 4 million followers on Weibo Li Yong A famous history writer and culture critic, speaker on the SF panel discussion 290,000 followers Liu Guiming Chief editor of the magazine Democracy and Legislation, speaker on the TAPS Ban panel discussion 40 thousand followers Cao Jiwei A famous marketing expert. His company has some restrictions for public speech, so he cannot be speak during the panel discussion. 100,000 followers

5 Agenda and some photos 2016-6-18 5

6 All the guests reached a consensus 2016-6-18 6 Key opinion leaders showed their understanding of tobacco control. Some key opinion leaders made a commitment to keep an eye on tobacco control, while others showed their interest in the topic and gave us many good suggestions on strengthening the tobacco control voice.

7 2016-6-18 7 Guests showed advocacy boards at salon Advocacy Boards #smoke is not a dish# call for a country wide smoke-free law revise advertisement law ASAP bye-bye smoking, hello new habit TC is the best choice for human beings You have the freedom to smoke, but you can not smoke-free

8 2016-6-18 8 Guests signed advocacy boards on salon

9 All the guests signed the board #support TC for next decade# 2016-6-18 9

10 Pre-event social media activity We launched FCTC 10 th anniversary discussion as a pre-event activity at the end of Oct., using the tag# 挺控烟再十年 #(support tobacco control for the next decade). This topic generated some interesting comments from netizens.

11 2016-6-18 11 Pre-event social media activity We posted 6 Weibo posts on this topic regularly before the salon. 204 posts in total 108 comments in total

12 Social Media activity during the event 2016-6-18 12 Nov 10 2013 was the FCTC 10 th anniversary of the China FCTC. We called on people to repost the content below. The content explained why China signed FCTC 10 years ago and how the Chinese government should have implemented the provisions of FCTC.

13 Social Media activity during the event 2016-6-18 13 We let people direct questions to key opinion leaders. We collected about 15 questions from netizens and we brought these questions to the salon.

14 Social Media activity during the event 2016-6-18 14 Because key opinion leaders are influential on Weibo, they not only answered the questions in person but also interacted with @TFA. We noticed that the discussion pieces with the tag #support TC for next decade# generated 450 likes/comments which means it was the most popular topic on @TFA. By Liyong By Liu Guiming

15 Post-event activities We summarized the key points from the panel discussion and posted them on Weibo. We also took photos and posted them on Weibo. We especially promoted photos with key opinion leaders holding the advocacy boards. SF panel discussion

16 Post-event activities TAPS Ban panel discussion

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