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Campbell Chapter 16.  “All sorts of ideas, even false ones, should circulate freely in a democratic society and the truth will eventually emerge.” 

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Presentation on theme: "Campbell Chapter 16.  “All sorts of ideas, even false ones, should circulate freely in a democratic society and the truth will eventually emerge.” "— Presentation transcript:

1 Campbell Chapter 16

2  “All sorts of ideas, even false ones, should circulate freely in a democratic society and the truth will eventually emerge.”  - John Milton  This is the “self-righting principle”

3  73% of the world’s population do not


5  Authoritarian model  Communist model  Libertarian model  Social responsibility model

6  Leaders believe that too much outspoken speech and press freedom would undermine stability  The general public “needs” guidance from the leaders

7  Press works with gov’t  Does not “rock the boat”  Doesn’t dissent with leaders

8  Gov’t controls the press  Agenda for papers controlled by gov’t & military  Dissent & get shot!

9  No restrictions are placed on speech or expression  “places a great deal of trust in the citizen to distinguish fact from fiction”

10  The idea that news should ◦ Be put in context ◦ Provide forums for exchange of ideas ◦ Be more diverse ◦ Be privately owned

11  News functions as an unofficial branch of gov’t ◦ “The Fourth Estate” ◦ (monitoring the other three branches)

12  What is the purpose of our news media?  Do they do a good job?

13  Does the government have any control over what we see in the news?

14  CNN sued for the right to show them



17  Prior restraint: ◦ The government’s attempt to stop something BEFORE it is published

18  If it protects national security  The Progressive magazine case “The H-Bomb Secret: How We got it and Why We’re Telling It” 1979

19  NYT attempted to publish Defense Dept info re: the US activities in VietNam from 1945-1971  What happened?

20  A good idea? Why or why not?  Gag order  Shield law

21  (First Amendment vs Sixth Amendment)  All 50 states allow cameras in the courtroom


23  Copyright infringement  Libel  Invasion of privacy  Obscenity

24 Slander!Libel!  Slander ◦ Defames someone ◦ spoken  Libel ◦ Defames someone ◦ Identifies them ◦ Is published or broadcast

25  “A false statement that holds a person up to public ridicule, contempt, hatred or injures a person’s business or occupation.” ◦ It’s really, really hard to win a libel case

26  The statement was true  It was a witness comment in a trial  It is comment or opinion on a public issue  NY Times vs Sullivan, 1964: ◦ Libel is much harder to prove if you are a public figure  If you are famous, you have to prove malice

27  Sure! But attorneys have  Absolute privelege  and reporters have Qualified privelege

28  Not much of a problem with broadcast media. ◦ Why not?

29  “Indecent language or material is that which depicts sexual or excretory activities in a way that is offensive to contemporary community standards.”

30  Banned music since the year 2000 Banned music since the year 2000 ◦ Songs Clear Channel stopped after 9-11-01  How the FCC describes it How the FCC describes it

31 Potentially offensive material can be broadcast from 10pm – 6am when kids are not likely to be watching or listening

32  Required that broadcasters cover issues of public importance and be fair in that coverage  THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE

33  Ended in 1987.  Some what to revive it. ◦ What would be the effects?

34  Copyright belongs to the creator until death plus 70 years  During this time, permission must be obtained to use/copy the material for free  Once the copyright expires, the material passes into the public domain, meaning it can be used without permission

35  Fair Use ◦ Classroom use is okay


37  Current ones began in 1968  1984: “PG-13” added ◦ “Poltergeist”, “Indiana Jones 2”  1990: “NC-17” added  Current push for the “Hard R”

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