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CAIeRO QAQE Project: e-ployment of the QAQE E-Learning Toolkit to enhance the quality of programme development Rob Howe University of Northampton 14 th.

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Presentation on theme: "CAIeRO QAQE Project: e-ployment of the QAQE E-Learning Toolkit to enhance the quality of programme development Rob Howe University of Northampton 14 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAIeRO QAQE Project: e-ployment of the QAQE E-Learning Toolkit to enhance the quality of programme development Rob Howe University of Northampton 14 th June, 2011

2 Project Team Director of Learning and Teaching Head of Quality and Curriculum Services Deputy Director of Academic Services (Information Services) Principal Lecturer Learning and Teaching (Health) Head of Learning Technology

3 Background to UON activity Focus on design and delivery of modules Recognition that: ‘.......the use of the technology itself is increasingly not a distinguishing factor for organisations, but rather the quality of that use and the way it advances the goals of a change resilient organisation become essential to success.’ (Marshall, 2010) CAIeRO (Creating Aligned and Interactive educational Resource Opportunities) -based on Carpe Diem model

4 Builds on existing projects BITE E4L TIGER

5 Key reflections on use of the toolkit A useful tool for prompting discussions within the team. Brought an enhanced quality dimension to CAIeRO discussions – refined paperwork Encouraged the team to look at the importance of quality early in the CAIeRO process. (pre CAIeROs ?) Whilst the toolkit focused on TEL – the discussions around it were much more about general pedagogy. Would have benefited from better numbering / colour coding to allow for easier referencing. Target parts of the toolkit for different groups (some parts are mandatory for the institution)


7 Thank you Rob Howe -

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