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Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training Nodes Project Z.Havlicek et all.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training Nodes Project Z.Havlicek et all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training Nodes Project Z.Havlicek et all

2 2 Agenda Basic information about NODES Main objectives of NODES NODES target groups Cooperating universities Project management - used ICT CULS Prague as an example LMS Moodle Content example Target group Conclusion

3 3 Eropean NODES Project planned for the period of 2006-2008 within the framework of the European Socrates/Grundtwig programme Internet is a key resource for the communication and access to information not all people can access the Internet.

4 4 Main objectives of NODES Use of digital medias (e-learning) for: Adult training / lifelong learning Training of victims of physical and sensorial handicaps Training of the victims of a social handicap Training of the rural inhabitants (distance handicap)

5 5 NODES training networks The technological infrastructure for retrieving, validating, and making knowledge accessible Training for trainers / users The access to contents through digital diffusion channels (Internet, television, satellite…)

6 6 Three levels of target groups Content producers Intermediary structures (training centers and trainers) Final users Intermediary structures Final users Content producers

7 7 Partnership composition ENESAD – CNERTA, Dijon, France Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management, Prague Colaiste Na Hollscoile Corcaigh, UCC Cork, Ireland

8 8 Partnership composition Debreceni Egyetem, University of Debrecen, Hungary Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Universitatea “Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu, Romania

9 9 Project Management Workgroup software Free software – license GNU / GPL Multiplatform support Multilanguage support Workshops every 6 month last will be in September 2008 at CULS Video conference every month, first Monday at 11 a.m. System Marratech

10 10 Meeting

11 11 Agenda Basic information about NODES Main objectives of NODES NODES target groups Cooperating universities Project management - used ICT CULS Prague as an example LMS Moodle Content example Target group Conclusion

12 12 Choosing the LMS Requirements Open source software Accessibility Two alternatives Moodle – wide-spread LMS used at thousands of universities aTutor – very good accessibility During the process of selection, the accessibility of Moodle has been improved Moodle was choosen

13 13 LMS Moodle Open source software Web based software Written in PHP Uses MySQL or PostgreSQL as database backend Platform independent Runs on Linux, Windows, BSD etc. Multilingual environment

14 14 LMS Moodle Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) Moodle makes the creation, usage and management of online courses easier by providing: Interface – very easy for students and teachers A set of teaching tools – testing A set of administration tools – statistics

15 15 Architecture of Moodle

16 16 Moodle at CULS Connected with CULS authentization system for student logins Allows also users from outside of CULS – NODES users Runs on Linux Apache web server MySQL database server Uses 4 servers 2 web servers 2 database servers Very reliable solution Full backup 3 times a week

17 17 Moodle at CULS Web server 1 Client Internet Database server 1 Database server 2Web server 2 Firewall

18 18 Moodle in Nodes At this time, every participant uses its own Moodle installation In the future, one common Moodle server is planned, dedicated only to Nodes

19 19 Architecture of the NODES project

20 20 Nodes CZ – Target group Current users are future trainers 12 participants 4 farmers 5 SME managers in rural areas 3 employees from large farms The current group allows to create 6 nodes in the next phase of the project 2 in east Bohemia 3 in middle Bohemia 1 in the north Bohemia

21 21 Nodes CZ – Training methods Initial course unit “Využívání nových ICT v praxi - Usage of new ICT in practice” Split to 10 lessons Every lesson is possible to study in 2 contacts hours with a professional teacher and then use electronic support from Learning management system Moodle.

22 22 Nodes CZ – Content How To Use a Computer What Is Internet ? Using an Electronic Mail System To Communicate Creating - Designing and Managing a Document Creating - Designing and Managing a Document a Web Document Information and Information Systems Multimedia Internet Based Services For Citizens Professional Usages of Internet In Agriculture (E- Commerce) Law, Ethics At Internet

23 23 Nodes CZ – Moodle

24 24 Nodes CZ – Moodle

25 25 Moodle CZ – Nodes Development of new course: “Creating - Designing and Managing a Web Document” Example: Rosarium CULS Focused on Web accessibility

26 26 Agenda Basic information about NODES Main objectives of NODES NODES target groups Cooperating universities Project management - used ICT CULS Prague as an example LMS Moodle Content example Target group Conclusion

27 27 Conclusion + European dimension + Open source solution + Moodle provides a good support - objectives are very large - lack of farmers interest in ICT - lack of money (for VC etc.)

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