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Joining the eCalypso Platform Be a Part of the Social Tourism Platform to Respond to Niche market Needs and Solving a Seasonal Problem of Low Occupancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Joining the eCalypso Platform Be a Part of the Social Tourism Platform to Respond to Niche market Needs and Solving a Seasonal Problem of Low Occupancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joining the eCalypso Platform Be a Part of the Social Tourism Platform to Respond to Niche market Needs and Solving a Seasonal Problem of Low Occupancy By Mr. Danny Silva, Projet Manager Calypso: Launching Event 12 th June 2013, Brussels

2 1.Go to register online as a buyer, seller or collaborator. Who are you when registering? a)Buyer: Any organization involved in Social activities and groups related to Seniors, Youth, People with Disabilities and Families, Trade Unions schools and tourism Professionals. b)Seller: Any Tourism entity that aims at selling a touristic service/ Accommodation Providers, Transport, guides, attractions, Leisure Activity Operators c)Collaborators: Associations, Researchers, Think Tanks and any entity serving the four target groups or the Tourism industry in relation to good practices, research consultancy and advice. 1.Once registered, You will receive the MoU and Ethical Charter to be signed and sent to e Calypso team… User id will follow and you are in. Some easy Steps to Follow:

3 The Registration:

4 Once in the Private area of the B2B e Calypso Platform: Conduct transactions directly between the service provider and buyer; the eCalypso platform is an intermediary simplifying and liaising the 2 parties by member organizations, institutions, groups, operators and other tourism professionals specifically related to Social Tourism. Through the eCalypso platform, a Service Provider or Social Tourism Professionals can strike accords with hotels, restaurants and other tourism professionals in order to construct a full package offer. As an organization you can have direct purchase access to unique products and packages suitable for your needs As a collaborator remain active by adding content to the news pages, announcing events or disseminating your activities and good practices. All members and Partners may place Calls for Offers, Tenders or Partnership proposals, add news and communicate through internal forums.

5 Deciding on being a Member or Partner As of July 1, 2013; after a 15 day trial period registered entities will need to decide on joining the platform as: Basic member (basic yearly fee + transaction fee) Partner (Yearly quota) Partner Conditions and Advantages Basic member conditions Member of Consortium in Projects Member of Executive committee with voting rights and nomination for board position Sales of members free of Platform Commissions (tour operator commissions not included) complete access to platform Sales flow through other partner platforms 3 year commitment 75% discount on STEEP activities/events Member Conditions and Advantages Full Access to Chance to seek partners, ope calls and tenders Conduct transactions and access a unique virtual market Sales flow through other partner platforms Membership Valid for 365 days 50% discount on STEEP activities/events Commercial & Development Support


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