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Smart City Proposal Gwalior Round – I Proposal. “Comprehensively transform Gwalior through promotion of heritage and cultural assets, to create new economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart City Proposal Gwalior Round – I Proposal. “Comprehensively transform Gwalior through promotion of heritage and cultural assets, to create new economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart City Proposal Gwalior Round – I Proposal

2 “Comprehensively transform Gwalior through promotion of heritage and cultural assets, to create new economic opportunities, and reinforce its strengths in education, health and trade” Vision Questionnaires 52300 Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter 3282, 3000 and 127 MyGov and Website 52021 and 38128 Public Consultations 17000 Mohalla Sabhas 5786 Planting 200 Smart City Marathon 1400 Events 756 Press and Hoardings 100 days coverage Heritage Promotion Urban Renewal Promote Education and Health Sector Collaborative Growth Action Areas

3 Vision Urban Renewal Create affordable and sustainable housing Green, energy efficient and zero- waste built-form Urban mass transit connecting major part of city Promotion of Electric/hybrid vehicles and Non-Motorised transport (NMT) Restore natural ecosystems like rivers and parks for recreational use. Education and Health Education and knowledge hub – Start-up Incubation and Accelerator Centres Medical value tourism hub – Super-speciality hospitals, medical schools, pathological labs, forensic labs and ancillary facilities Collaborative Growth Skill Development with urban poor in focus Innovative urban management solutions – Synergy between administration, stakeholders and beneficiary ICT and e-governance – Transparent and accountable governance City based fund – Smart technology and initiative for urban service delivery Smart tourism products and applications – diverse tangible and intangible heritage GIS-based mapping, planning and development – 400 identified heritage structures Goals Strategic Plan – Heritage Promotion and Urban Renewal One million tourist in next 10 years Upgradation of city infrastructure, environment conservation, enhanced mobility, interactive recreational spaces and 360 degree tourism experience

4 Area based Development – Maharaj Bada WHY – Emerged as top priority in citizen engagement process Epitomises the ‘’Living Heritage” brand of Gwalior Commercial core of the city 15% of the heritage structures, 13% of urban poor residents and 17% of Gwalior population Scalable and replicable Actions on all 4 strategy pillars Covers all Essential Elements with addition of employment, tourism and mobility Maharaj Bada More with less Identity, Heritage & Culture Mixed land use Environm ent & Transport Inclusive Economic hub KEY COMPONENTS – Conservation – Heritage buildings – Adaptive reuse Urban design guidelines – architectural control, signage, illumination and street furniture Heritage walks – Interpretation Centre and Museum – Augmented Reality Tours Central Public Plaza – Pedestrian zone Leftover spaces – Smart hubs – vibrant public art Blue collar workers – App/SMS – Job market Smart public information display – air quality, temperature Multi services utility duct & Smart metering Rooftop solar panels & LED street lights Battery operated para transit, Smart Bus Stops, adaptive traffic lights & smart parking lots CCTV and app-based incident reporting system 68% of all offline votes 24% of all online votes

5 Area Based Development View of central park in Maharaj Bada

6 Area Based Development Heavy pedestrian traffic Shopping markets in Maharaj Bada Overhead cables and utilities within public ROW

7 State Bank of India - Eastern Bldg Area Based Development State Bank of India – Western Bldg General post office Victoria Market - constructed 1924 Town Hall - constructed 1907 Govt. Press – constructed in 1920

8 Area Based Development Museum and Interpretation Centre Adaptive Reuse of Heritage structures Pubic Plaza – Pedestrian and NMT friendly Priority Street Improvements Adaptive Reuse 1 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 9 1 2 Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings Vehicle-free central zone Vehicular loop around Bada Priority street improvements Redevelopment of 9 markets Pedestrian and NMT Friendly Key Map Upgrade historic markets Link workers to markets


10 Pan City Proposal Urban Mobility through Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Smart Waste Management  Central command and control system for ICT and IoT based traffic management  Solar-powered smart bins with fill- level sensor  Sensor enabled smart Traffic Light Poles App/Portal based Citizen Information System  Timings of Waste Collection  Complaints  User Charges collection  Bus stop with solar panels & Digital Information cum Advertisement displays  Incentivize Electric/Hybrid Private & Government Vehicles  Sensor based parking systems  Smart Transit Payment Integration of data captured from multiple services

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