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Pregnancy Prevention Module 4. INTRODUCTION According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the live birth rate for women aged 15 -

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy Prevention Module 4. INTRODUCTION According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the live birth rate for women aged 15 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy Prevention Module 4

2 INTRODUCTION According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the live birth rate for women aged 15 - 19 was 26.5 per 1000 in 2013. This culminated in a total of 273,105 deliveries. Teen pregnancy is a top priority in the realm of public health. The purpose of this module is to provide you with more knowledge and educational tools as you provide your students sexual-health education as it relates to the topic of pregnancy prevention.

3 OBJECTIVES After completing this module, you will be able to: and contrast myths and facts regarding how pregnancy can or cannot occur 2.list at least 3 reasons to delay parenting until adulthood 3.describe at least 3 methods of preventing conception/pregnancy 4.identify 3 mechanisms to establish boundaries

4 COURSE CONTENT Read the following articles on prevention of teen pregnancy. The first article discusses prevention of teen pregnancy through effective communication. The second article is on emergency contraception. Preventing Teen Pregnancy Through Persuasive Communications Emergency Contraception: Dispelling the Myths and Misperceptions

5 COURSE CONTENT cont. Next, watch the following short (5 - 10 minute) videos on the impact of teen pregnancy in the United States.

6 COURSE CONTENT cont. And last, please watch this short BuzzFeedVideo about birth control. It is narrated by adults and effectively yet simply discusses the mechanism of action of the various forms of birth control. It is a wonderful resource for instructors and students alike.

7 INDEPENDENT STUDY Review King County's sexual-health education curriculum on pregnancy prevention (to the right). How you would modify the curriculum to fit your student's needs. How would you incorporate what you've learned through the readings and videos into your curriculum. Please take notes on how you would accomplish this. We would like you to share this during our synchronous discussion. Pregnancy Decision-making and teen parenthood Birth control basics Communication: saying “no” Communication: taking “no” for an answer

8 SYNCHRONOUS MEETING At the end of the week, please join us on Chatzy for our synchronous online discussion. This is meant to be an interactive session. The agenda (listed below) is meant to inspire conversation with one another with goals to be co-creators of knowledge.

9 SYNCHRONOUS MEETING cont. An invite with link will be sent to your email address. The agenda for the discussion: 1.Discuss your views on the week's content as it relates to teen pregnancy and/or contraception. (20 min) 2.Are there any obstacles that you anticipate might impact your ability to efficiently and effectively include these topics in your instruction? If so, how do you anticipate mitigating those obstacles? (20 minutes) 3.Based on course content for the week, and your own experiences with students, how will you modify your current instruction on pregnancy prevention and birth control? Will you utilize King County's curriculum with or without modification OR have you created your own? (20 min)

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