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Trying to create a “Library for Learning” ELAG 2016 8 june 2016, Peter van Boheemen.

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Presentation on theme: "Trying to create a “Library for Learning” ELAG 2016 8 june 2016, Peter van Boheemen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trying to create a “Library for Learning” ELAG 2016 8 june 2016, Peter van Boheemen

2 Why ? Teaching: ● University creates more and more electronic learning material. 2

3 Usage of video in Wageningen 3 2004: recording of Phd graduations 2006/7: recording of lectures in largest auditorium 2014: start studio Jan 2015: First MOOCs Sept 2015: Start online masters 2016: New studio April 2016: 3500 weblectures recorded each year 35 Auditoria recorded automatically 280 Phd graduations each year 450 knowledgeclips recorded in studio Sept 2014: Distance learning voor NTU Singapore 2013: Most lectures are recorded automatically

4 Why ? Teaching: ● University creates more and more electronic learning material. ● In many ways and in many places, which makes it hard to find 4

5 Example: recorded lecture (P2G) In metadata (automatic):  Time  Course  Location Not in metadata:  Teacher  Title  Subject 5

6 Finding video is hard  You can not find everything: ● WURtv: You will only find what you have access to ● Youtube: unlisted  Metadata added without a need to share  Limited and inconsistent meta data 6

7 Why ? Teaching: ● University creates more and more electronic learning material. ● In many ways and in many places, which makes it hard to find ● Share education material online 7

8 Open Educational Resources 8 Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re- share them. DefinitionDefinition by UNESCO

9 9

10 Why ? Teaching: ● University creates more and more electronic learning material. ● In many ways and in many places, which makes it hard to find ● Share education material online ● Arrange education material from different sources Student: ● Discovery of education material (or components) ● Compile their own ‘working set’ of materials 10

11 Why the library ? CRIS 11

12 Why the library ?  Directory 12

13 Why the library ?  Involved in ‘groen kennisnet’ 13

14 Groen kennisnet 14

15 Wikiwijs Leermiddelenplein (since 2009) 15

16 Wikiwijs Architecture 16

17 Why the library ? 1. Already involved in CRIS, directory, ‘groen kennisnet’ 2. Managing Meta data is a Library Thing Creating meta data (less and less) Quality control Indexing meta data infrastructure 17

18 Library Systems Infrastructure 18

19 Enrichment example 19

20 Enrichment example 20

21 Enrichment example 21

22 Library Systems Infrastructure 22

23 Library for Learning (L4L) Infrastructure 23 Various resources OAI-PMH API’s Downloads Enrich in source system (won’t work)

24 Pilot L4L  Two sources: Knowledgeclips en Master theses 24

25 Basic principles L4L  Objects and metadata managed in source (Thesis online en WURTV)  Only metadata in central index  Link to original object in source Right to access the actual object is managed at the source

26 Challenges LfL: metadata 1. What metadata is needed 2. Mapping of metadata to CDM 3. Harvesting 4. Adequate user interface 5. Organisation 26

27 Status L4L  CDM defined and metadata mapped to CDM  Data harvested and simple search interface defined  Repair of metadata in the source started 27

28 L4L 28

29 Better metadata is needed 29

30 Generate fulltext/corpus  Text analysis (related documents) ● Powerpoint presentations used in video ● Auto cue / transcripts ● Sub titles  Audio analysis (“ASR” - Speech to text) 30

31 Fifty microliters or one hundred microliters 31

32 Generate fulltext/corpus  Text analysis (related documents) ● Powerpoint presentations used in video ● Auto cue / transcripts ● Sub titles  Audio analysis (“ASR” - Speech to text)  Image analysis (“OCR” van videomateriaal) ● Texts in image ● Facial recognition ● Logo recognition 32

33 Genererating metadata  Clustering words to concepts  Wordcloud  Subject recognition  Validate concepts against thesaurus terms 33

34 34 Thank you for your attention

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