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Safety Packet. Safety Abbreviations: Using packet B: return when finished Unit abbreviations OSHA: Occupational safety and health administration BVM:

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Packet. Safety Abbreviations: Using packet B: return when finished Unit abbreviations OSHA: Occupational safety and health administration BVM:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Packet

2 Safety Abbreviations: Using packet B: return when finished Unit abbreviations OSHA: Occupational safety and health administration BVM: bag mask valve NIOSH: national institute for occupational safety and health Common medical abbreviations c-spine: cervical spine ED: emergency department O: oxygen

3 Review : Unit ABBs and Common Abbs Study buddy

4 Practice:

5 Word parts Using packet A: Return when finished

6 Safety Vocab: Using the word parts from prior page, TRY to define some of the words in the safety vocab chart.

7 W.A.: Website Assignment On top of the safety vocab chart: sign your name: By signing your name you are agreeing to the ISU honor code system You will do your own work, if someone asks to copy your notes you will say No do your own work. Website Assignment directions Go to my website Slick on 1 st aid CPR/Safety/emergency care Read instructions Due next class period. No late assignments for partial credit will be accepted this time.

8 Hand washing practice 1.Rub lotion that Mrs. White give you all over hands and in-between fingers 2.We will go row by row: 1.Wash hands 3.Put hands under black light

9 Hand washing procedure video: (if no sound click on volume icon twice)




13 Hand washing practice post instruction 1.We will go row by row: 1.Wash hands per the instructions just covered 2.Did you get the rest of the lotion off?

14 W.A.:off and review Discuss with your neighbors: Examples of disinfectant and antiseptics From the Surgical Asepsis video: Discuss the step by step procedures for donning attire Talk about the careers you found in the microbiology field

15 Emergency Care Vocab Health Occ

16 Laceration: a jagged, irregular tear of the skin Skin avulsion: tissue separates from the body

17 Incision: a cut from a knife, glass, or sharp rock Puncture: a wound that tis caused by a object piercing the skin

18 Abrasion: wound to outer layers of skin that causes little bleeding Poison: substance, solid, liquid or gas that causes illness injury or death when introduced to the body

19 First aid: the immediate temporary care to a person that has become sick or has been injured Shock: failure of the system to keep adequate blood circulating to the vital organs of the body

20 Rabies: a disease of the nervous system that could cause madness and death Sprain: stretching or tearing of ligaments that hold bone together

21 1 st degree burn: involves the top layer of skin (sunburn) 2 nd degree burn: involves the top layer, skin will blister and appear blotchy

22 3 rd degree burn: destroys all layers of skin, nerves, muscle, fat and bones. Burn looks brown or black Fainting: a temporary loss of consciousness, caused by reduced blood supply to the brain

23 Frostbite: ice crystals form in the spaces between the cells. Skin loses color and become insensitive Gangrene: Death of tissue, that comes from frostbite that is untreated

24 Safety Guided notes Using book and the pages indicated in notes fill in guided notes Stop after body mechanics

25 Body Mechanics:

26 Body mechanics: Practice In lab stations practice perfectly good lifting body mechanics. Use the rubrics at station to make sure your partner hits all the key steps

27 Microbiology: Using your books fill in guided notes up to the charts.

28 How will you die? h?v=0YOVclqkjZA h?v=0YOVclqkjZA

29 Types of Microorganisms: BACTERIA h?v=kxM_9DL2GYw h?v=kxM_9DL2GYw Most familiar microbe that infects humans One celled plants classified by their shape and arrangement Strep throat, pneumonia, TB, syphilis

30 Types of microorganisms: Fungi Lives on dead matter Ringworm, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, thrush.

31 Types of microorganisms: Protozoa Tiny animals found in contaminated water supplies and in decayed material Malaria, trichomoniasis (STI), dysentery These are freshwater single-celled microbes that feed on bacteria and smaller protozoa.

32 Types of microorganisms: Rickettsiae Pronunciation: h?v=ij4iYfaow-Y h?v=ij4iYfaow-Y Parasites that must live inside the cells of other living organisms Transferred to humans by the animal the parasite inhabits: Fleas, lice, ticks Humans bitten by an infected insect may contract diseases such as Rocky mountain spotted fever

33 Types of microorganisms: Viruses Smallest of all microorganisms See only with electron microscope Need host cell to survive Spread through contact with blood, body fluids Diseases: common cold, chickenpox, herpes, HBV, AIDS… h?v=Rpj0emEGShQ h?v=Rpj0emEGShQ

34 Methods that Destroy microorganisms: Antiseptic: Solution on skin Alcohol or betadine used to clean skin Disinfection: Chemicals to kill pathogens Bleach Sterilization: Best way to kill all microbes steam

35 Standard precautions reading Please read the packet, answer the questions as you go in you packet

36 Principles of Infection

37 Key terms  Aseptic practices: used to keep an area free of disease producing microorganisms  Medical Asepsis: “clean technique”, purpose is to keep a clean environment so disease won’t spread.  EX: hand washing, gloves  Surgical Asepsis: “sterile technique” a sterile environment in which there are no microorganisms or spores.

38 Transmission Precautions  Airborne Precautions:  disease that is spread by droplets in the air.  Must wear filter mask, and have negative pressure in the room  Droplet Precautions:  Spread when someone sneezes or coughs  Should wear a mask  Contact Precautions  Could get transmission by contact or non contact  Have wound covered with sterile dressing at all times

39  Infection only happens if the pathogens alter the normal function of tissue.  They take up space and nutrients which allows them to get bigger and stronger.

40 Chain of Infection  6 factors must be present for an infection to occur.  If chain is never broken…NO infection should occur!  Washing your hands will prevent the spread of disease = infection = no infection

41  Mostly harmless microorganisms  When they multiply they become harmful  They multiply in a reservoir. … Infectious Agent

42  Reservoirs = humans, insects, food water, bed linen or books  Pathogens stay in the reservoir until they can escape Reservoir

43  Escape routes  Respiratory tract  Skin  Blood  GI tract  Mucous membranes Portal of Exit

44  The way in which a pathogen goes from place to place  Can be spread by direct contact or airborne droplet  Proper hand washing is the best practice to prevent transmission Mode of Transmission

45  Pathogens need a portal of entry for transmission.  Routes of entry:  Respiratory tract  Mucous membranes  GI tract  Cut on skin Portal of Entry

46  One that is capable of becoming infected  Microorganisms must be present in large quantity  Host must be susceptible  If you are immune you are not susceptible Susceptible Host

47 Inf. Agent Reservoir Portal of exit Mode of Transmission Portal of entry Susceptible Host

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