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An overview of CELL chapter in NCERT textbook-digital concept map or flow chart Pre-teach (for children without prior knowledge)- If the students do not.

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2 An overview of CELL chapter in NCERT textbook-digital concept map or flow chart Pre-teach (for children without prior knowledge)- If the students do not have required prior knowledge teach them first these concepts for example, characteristics of living organisms-MMP/Video Questioning/Quiz- Make the students to generate a list of questions in pair for which they want to know more about cell in today’s class or organize a quiz to see if the students have prior basic understanding of the concepts to be taught-Digital forum Goal setting- Ask the students to list the objectives that they want to achieve at the end of this lesson on cell Concept Map- Ask the students to generate a concept map of everything that they know about cell before you begin the unit. This is a pair/group work. At the end of the lesson they can be further asked to expand their concept map with the new information that they have learned (half filled concept map for slow learners)-Digital Concept Map

3 Advance Organizer- Teacher made concept map can be used to give an overview of the lesson- Digital Concept Map Oral Lectures- Record your lecture on cell and make in available for children- flipped classroom (for all children and specifically useful for auditory learners and blind children- Podcast) Textbooks- Make the students in pair (blind and normal child) to read and develop a Digital Presentation on cell membrane, nucleus, cell wall and Cytoplasm (audio text book for blind/visually impaired) Research in Library- Students are formed into various groups/pair and asked to research on various aspect of cell- Books/Magazines/Audio- Video Library Student Presentation to the whole class- they may use Multimedia Projector and PowerPoint Story Board- The students may be asked to create a story board as to how to go about the process of explaining the concept of cell to varied learners- ToonBoom/SpringBoard/StoryBoardThat

4 Charts- Make the students to work in pair/group and convert the chapter into a flow chart- Digital Flow Chart Diagrams- Ask different students to draw different cell organelles and as a whole class activity each students come and paste the organelles and make a complete cell and label- Digital Jigsaw Audio recording- Students can be made to listen to separate audio recording on structure and function cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm- they can be asked to draw the diagrams after listening to these recordings. Alternatively students can be asked to prepare Podcasts (pair work) on cell membrane, nucleus, unicellular organisms, prokaryotes etc. Brainstorm- Ask the students to tell anything about the cell that comes to their mind. Without evaluation, generate as many ideas as possible and ask each pair to convert this into a poem on cell- using Audacity add effects and share them online

5 Role Play- Students act as different cell organelles and perform role play on structure and function of cell- record using a mobile phone or digital camera and share it on Youtube Videos- Show them videos on discovery of cell, unicellular organisms like euglena, paramecium etc.- use of online videos Animations- Animation of movement of amoeba, functions of various cell organelles, changing shape of WBC and its function-create the animation using software pencil/tupi or use online animations Drawing- Ask the students to draw the plant cell-followed by which teacher draws the correct diagram- ask students to look at diagram drawn by teacher, identify and list the mistakes that they have made- ask them to draw the correct diagram. Same procedure to be followed for animal cell. Then ask students to list down the differences between plant and animal cell. This activity not only develops self-evaluation ability but the drawing skills can be improved. This technique is also found to improve retention- Digital drawing tools like Tux Paint

6 Model of cell- Ask students in pair/group to make a model of the cell using waste materials-models are useful for blind students. They could even use clay modeling- Digital Model using Blender Laboratory- Developing slides of cheek cells, onion peel and observing them under microscope. Observing permanent slides of euglena, yeast, amoeba etc.– or project this using Micro Projection techniques/Visualizers/ Virtual lab Amrita C-DAC ( Visual Dictionary- Ask students to develop a visual dictionary of various new concepts that they have leaned (cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuole, mitochondria, unicellular organism, multi cellular organisms, prokaryotes, eukaryotes etc.)- Digital Glossary Flipped Classroom- Students listen/view your pre-recorded teaching of the Unit on cell part and the allotted lessons are used for group work and discussion- Digital recording and Flipped Class Expert Opinion- An online session can be arranged with Experts/ Scientists to give more insight about the cell and the type of cell researches currently undertaken by various agencies- Skype/Oovoo

7 Collaborative Authoring- Student in group create a brochure or news letter on cell- Digital Brochure or Newsletter/Wiki on cell/Web Pages on cell Note taking and correction- Group leaders notes are corrected by the teacher and students in turn correct their notebooks in groups- Digital note taking Portfolio Management- Teacher can create separate Portfolios for individual students depending on his/her involvement in the entire activity and this can be useful while grading them later- Files/Folders Reflection- What did you learn? What more to be learnt? What have you not understood and Why? How did you learn now, how best to learn next time? What were your goals? Have you achieved all your goals?- Blog Online Learning- Web quest on cell, digital field trip on cell, online tutorial, MOOC on cell, Virtual Classroom using LMS/MOODLE Social Bookmarking- Students create collaborative social bookmarking on online resources on cell- Social bookmarking

8 Assessment Observation of class activities-rating scale and checklist Portfolio and rubrics Grading the artifacts Concept Maps-initial and final List of items generated regarding the prior knowledge of cell Questions generated about the cell The drawing of plant and animal cell Their notebooks Chapter and question answers Write-up of presentations Wiki, Blog, Podcast Newsletter, Brochure, Website Visual Dictionary created Models created, Drawings Create student Portfolio Self Assessment – use of rubrics Peer Assessment- use of rubrics Traditional Test (offline/online) – with proper adaptations Teacher can study the whole concept and be Reflective Practitioners

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