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UNIT 6 - SEXUALITY Lesson 2 - Chastity and Marriage.

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1 UNIT 6 - SEXUALITY Lesson 2 - Chastity and Marriage

2 Jesus, A Model of Chastity We look to Jesus as the model of chastity. By being baptized into the life of Jesus, we are all called to lead lives of chastity, whether we are single or married, laity, or consecrated to the religious lie as nuns, brothers, or priests.

3 Qualities of Chastity Self-Mastery (Control) - allows us to be truly free either control our passions and find peace, or we can let our passions control us and become enslaved by them either give into blind impulses and lead lives life the characters on One Tree Hill, or we can freely choose what our conscience tells us is right and realize lives of harmony and holiness. Chastity = fulfill our baptismal promises and resist sexual temptation – we must obey God’s commandments, exercise virtues, and heed teachings of the church Patience – self-mastery requires discipline and much effort, especially during adolescence

4 - Reflection - Which statements do you agree with and with which do you disagree? Which statements more clearly reflect the attitude towards sex of your peer group? Which statements do you think reflect the virtue of chastity? Handout 6.1 I’ve Finally Found Someone – Barbra Streisand and Bryan Adams

5 Violations of Chastity Concupiscence – an intense form of human desire and is particularly targeted by the ninth commandment – this is often associated with lust Lust = a craving for sexual gratification without regard for boundaries, morality, or harm to others it disregards the principle that God intends sexual relationships for the procreation of children and the sharing of love within the union of marriage Masturbation = erotic stimulation of the genital organs achieved by means other than sexual intercourse These things violates the intended purpose of God’s gift of sexuality – becomes a means for selfish pleasure instead of self-giving Fornication = sexual intercourse between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman

6 Other Violations of Chastity Pornography = the display of erotic behavior in written or pictorial form for the purpose of sexual excitement The sole motivation of this is sexual arousal and an attack on human dignity – also demeaning to those involved – actors, sellers, and the public – this is considered a grave sin Prostitution = the practice or the act of engaging in sexual relations for money or other forms of profit Those who pay – sin against themselves Those who sell - violate their dignity, make themselves into objects of pleasure

7 We All Want To Fall in Love! The Mirror Has Two Faces – Lecture Scene We desire that loving union which is created in the sacrament of marriage?

8 Marriage Sacrament in the church – matrimony Symbol of the loving union that Christ has for the church – which is unbreakable, as is the marriage union Engaged couples should be prepared for this life-long covenant It is the beginning of the couple’s public life in the Church and therefore should be a public celebration within a liturgy Marriage is a vocation – a calling to live life and to encounter God in a particular way

9 Sexuality in Marriage – Four Goals Physical-sexual activity = intimately linked to bearing and raising children (each act should be open to children) Physical Union represents full and complete sharing of life in love Sexuality finds meaning in relation to community – with at least one and potentially more people if this union creates children Marriage between two baptized people, who are free to marry is a sacrament. God is present in every aspect – including their sexuality

10 Married Love and The Gift of Life Handout 6.2 Read this handout (yes the whole thing –and really read it, don’t just skim!) and jot down answers (brief) to each of the following questions in your Unit 6 Tab in OneNote – Label this “Response – Married Love and The Gift of Life” What do men and women want from marriage? What does the church teach about marriage? What does the church teach about contraception? We will discuss your answers and other topics related to violations of marriage in the next lesson! This is your only homework – due next class!

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