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By Rubin Zemon Ph.D. International Scientific Symposium Days of Justinian I Skopje 18-19 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rubin Zemon Ph.D. International Scientific Symposium Days of Justinian I Skopje 18-19 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rubin Zemon Ph.D. International Scientific Symposium Days of Justinian I Skopje 18-19 November 2013




5  Roots in Manichaeism and Paulicianism, but in Zoroastrianism, too!  Dualistic theory for eternal fight between Satanail (Demon) and God!  Holly Secrets, icons, holly rituals of a Church are in vain as creatures of Satanial.  A Cross should be hated, because Issues was there tortured and killed!  They only prayed to the God and St. Maria was demystified!  Vegetarians, didn’t drunk wine, and didn’t entered in marriages. No hierarchy!  Idea for individualism and equality among man and woman.  Woman had right to be ideal (teachers) of the theology (doctrine).  In Balkans were called: Bogomili, Torbeshi (Torbari), Babuni, Fundagiagi (carries of bags), Patereni..  Because of torturing and prosecuting they migrated to isolated mountain places in the Balkans, but mostly in West Macedonia, Bosnia and Hecegovina, Gora, Rhodopes Mountains etc.

6  Very fast conversion to Islam of Bogomils because of:  1. Experienced torture from the Church and Middle Age states. (cases of Egyptian Copts, Aryans).  2. The influence of Middle Eastern beliefs to Bogomils (Manichaeism and Paulicianism). Zoroastrian in Persia converted very fast o Islam, too.  3. No-existing of church structure among Bogomils in time of conversion to islam, that could attract and hold believers. 

7  In front of the Christians, shifting to the Islam was identifies with a process of naturalization, becoming “other”, becoming a Turk. (Poturi)!  Converted Bogomils to Islam became Turks (Poturi), too, but they continued to speak Slavic languages.  Two basic categories of belonging to “in” and “out” groups were determinate: “Turks” and “Christians”.

8  Same territory  Ethno-names (Torbeshi, babushi)  Folk clothes (women folk clothes very reach with natural flowers).  Woman among Torbeshi community are much more liberal that other Muslim woman.  In some folk stories, proverbs and curses among Torbesh community (but and among other people) we may find elements of dualistic cosmogony.  Fear and distrust is part of collective psychological profile.


10  Number of scholars and other authors that are supporting the hypothesis that decedents of Bogomils are today’s Torbeshi is bigger, especially among the authors that are members of Torbeshi community.  A Great part of people from Torbeshi community are convinced that have origin form Bogomils, even that science haven’t a clear critical thinking and discussion about this issue.  Scientific researches related with this issue have to be directed on studying of comparative cultural researches, especially on studying of unconscious elements of spiritual culture.

11  Thank you very much….  

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