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1914-1918. Tensions in Europe CAUSES:  Competition for colonies and resources  Military build-ups  Decline of the Ottoman Empire  Secret negotiations.

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Presentation on theme: "1914-1918. Tensions in Europe CAUSES:  Competition for colonies and resources  Military build-ups  Decline of the Ottoman Empire  Secret negotiations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1914-1918

2 Tensions in Europe CAUSES:  Competition for colonies and resources  Military build-ups  Decline of the Ottoman Empire  Secret negotiations created secret alliances.

3 Issues in Germany  Had only recently became a unified country:  Chancellor Otto von Bismarck  Understood value of allies  Negotiated a treaty with Russia  Wanted to limit France’s power  Set up a 3-way alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy (Triple Alliance)

4 Issues in Germany  Kaiser Wilhelm II  Wanted to consolidate his own power – saw Bismarck as a rival,  So, he fired Bismarck  Allows the peace treaty with Russia to lapse. Unfortunate.  Started a massive naval build- up (mostly invested in the new technology of submarines – this will be significant later.)  Caused other nations to begin aligning against Germany

5 Responses to Germany  Russia immediately drops treaty with Germany and creates a new alliance with France  Britain also makes alliance with France  All three come together in 1907 in the Triple Entente  All agree to support each other in case of war.

6 Problems in the Balkans lead to War  Ottoman Empire  In existence from 1299 – 1923  Now known as the “Sick Man of Europe” due to its weakened situation.  Lot of internal issues based on ethnic nationalism movements  Serbia wants to unite the slavic peoples in a larger version of itself.

7 Problems in the Balkans lead to War  Slavic ethnic peoples live in Serbia, Bosnia, Romania and Russia  Feel a nationalistic connection to one another  Serbia is an independent nation but has close ties with Russia  Bosnia, which Serbia feels entitled to, is under the control of Austria-Hungary

8 Problems in the Balkans lead to War  Slavic nationalist group forms in Bosnia known as the Black Hand  Resist Austria-Hungary’s control  Terrorist organization  Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie visit Sarejevo  He is the heir to the Austria- Hungary throne

9 Assassination Leads to War  Franz and Sophie are assassinated by a member of the Black Hand  Gavrilo Princep  Serbian / Slavic  Austria/Hungary sets out to punish Serbia who they blame for the assassination.

10 Assassination Leads to War  Austria Hungary sends a series of demands to Serbia  Serbia agrees to most of them  However, A-H rejects the response and declares war. Why?  Wanted to annex Serbia  Saw this as a way to make it happen  Didn’t believe Russia would intervene – Massive miscalculation!


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