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1914-1918.   M-Militarism  A-Alliances  N-Nationalism  I-Imperialism  A-Assassination MANIA!

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1 1914-1918

2   M-Militarism  A-Alliances  N-Nationalism  I-Imperialism  A-Assassination MANIA!

3   European arms race  Nationalism influenced need for countries to have large standing armies  Need for being able to be organized and to quickly mobilize  Definition: the policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war Militarism

4   Bismark’s Pact  Fear of France wanting revenge after Franco-Prussian War  Isolate France by forming an alliance  Formation of Triple Alliance-Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Alliances

5   Wilhelm II becomes new German Leader  Germany loses treaty with Russia  Russia and France form an alliance  Triple Entente-Russia, France, Britain Alliances

6   Look at the map on page 839, and answer the questions below.  Why might Russia have struggled to obtain resources from its allies?  Which alliance may have had the greater challenge, given the geography of the conflict? Why? Map Activity

7   Definition -deep devotion to one’s nation  Created rivalry between major European powers  Competition for markets an materials (Imperialism); Territorial disputes (France lost Alsace-Lorraine to Germany); Intense nationalism of many ethnic groups wanted independence in Balkans Nationalism

8   Nations competed for colonies in Africa and Asia  Increase rivalry and mistrust amongst nations Imperialism

9   “Powder Keg”-home to many ethnic groups and nationalist uprisings  Formation of new nations that had been freed from Ottoman rule  Each group wanted to extend its borders  Serbia wanted all Slavs to be united into one nation Assassination (Crisis in the Balkans)

10   Austria-Hungary opposed Serbian expansion  Tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia increased when Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia and Herzegovina (Slavic nations)  Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary assassinated by Serbian while visiting Sarajevo  The war begins (July 28, 1914) Crisis in the Balkans

11  Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

12  Gavrilo Princip

13   gA gA  Complete the viewing guide that goes with this. Armenian Genocide Video

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