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NCCS Mini Tour In this quick overview, you will learn about: Organizations in the NCCS data Commonly used data sets offered by NCCS Tools that the Data.

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Presentation on theme: "NCCS Mini Tour In this quick overview, you will learn about: Organizations in the NCCS data Commonly used data sets offered by NCCS Tools that the Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCCS Mini Tour In this quick overview, you will learn about: Organizations in the NCCS data Commonly used data sets offered by NCCS Tools that the Data Web provides

2 About NCCS The National Center for Charitable Statistics is the national clearinghouse of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States. NCCS is a program of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy (CNP) at the Urban Institute.

3 About Data Web The NCCS Data Web is intended to provide a user-friendly interface for nonprofit researchers and others with some familiarity with data analysis. This interface was built using a set of reusable software objects developed at the Urban Institute to provide a standard interface for such tasks as: Survey data entry.Data review and editing.Data analysis and reporting

4 Organizations and Filing Status in the NCCS Data The three major types of organizations included in the NCCS Data are: 501(c)(3) public charities: arts, education, service, and other types of organizations. 501(c)(3) private foundations: grantmaking organizations. Other exempt organizations: trade unions, recreational clubs, veterans associations. Organizations that report gross receipts of more than $25,000 in a fiscal year are generally required to file a Form 990 with the IRS. Organizations with less than $25,000 in gross receipts, congregations, and some other religious organizations are registered with the IRS but do NOT file a Form 990. To learn more about organizations and filing status, click ‘Getting Started’ in the table of contents window and review the ‘One Minute Tour of the Data Files’.

5 Useful NCCS Data Sets The Core Files, produced annually, combine descriptive information from charities' initial registration with financial variables from the Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF. Only organizations required to file these forms are included in the files. The IRS Business Master Files are cumulative files containing descriptive information on all active tax-exempt organizations. Data contained on the BMF are mostly derived from the IRS Forms 1023 and 1024 (the applications for IRS recognition of tax-exempt status). The IRS Statistics of Income Sample (SOI) Files are produced annually and include more than 300 variables for samples of 10,000 to 11,000 public charities. Other SOI files are available for Form 990-EZ filers, private foundations, and other exempt organizations (not 501(c)(3)s). To learn more about organizations and filing status, click ‘Getting Started’ in the table of contents window and review the ‘One Minute Tour of the Data Files’.

6 Getting Started The Data Web home page includes three drop down menus across the top for selecting the relevant tools and datasets Click on the “Tips” button for help.

7 Data Web Research Tools The NCCS Data Web provides tools for many different tasks: Report Builder: create simple summaries or more detailed cross-tabs and hierarchical tables. Record Viewer: examine example records from any of the data sets. Table Browser: view custom tables of information for organizations of interest. Statistics: Examine summary statistics of specific variables to gain insight into data ranges and distributions. Regression / ANOVA: run preliminary analyses to evaluate trends and formulate ideas for further exploration. Extract Data: download data and load into statistical package of your choice for further analysis.

8 Research Example Question: Which major subsector tends to have the highest total revenues in Ohio? Solution: Create a crosstab report to compare revenues by major subsector. In the Table of Contents screen, select ‘Report Builder’ in the tool selector box: Drill down to Core Data > Public Charities > Core 2006 PC and select the appropriate variables:

9 Building a Report On page 2, click ‘Pick a pre-defined range…’ to use the categories for a small organization focus for the Total Revenues variable ($0; $100,000; $1,000,000). Click ‘>>(N)ext’. On page 4, leave the existing labels for major subsector or edit them as you need. Click ‘>>(N)ext’. We do not need additional calculations for this research question, so we can skip page 5. Set your desired formatting and titles on page 6 and be sure to select ‘Show percentages by second variable…’ to get column percentages for the report. Recall that we’re interested in organizations in Ohio, so use ‘Pick value…’ and select (OH). Click ‘>| Show (R)eport’ to finish and create the report.

10 Report Output and Results The final output should look like this: Based on this report, it appears that Health Organizations have the highest total revenues in 2006. The other subsectors have similar breakdowns but could also be ranked if one so desired. For additional data sets, tools, and techniques, see the other NCCS Data Web Learning Modules.

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