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Lissivigeen N.S. Difi. Here is Difi Outside Lissivigeen N.S. With Our Principal Mr. Mc Auliffe This sculpture represents a local stone circle which dates.

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Presentation on theme: "Lissivigeen N.S. Difi. Here is Difi Outside Lissivigeen N.S. With Our Principal Mr. Mc Auliffe This sculpture represents a local stone circle which dates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lissivigeen N.S. Difi

2 Here is Difi Outside Lissivigeen N.S. With Our Principal Mr. Mc Auliffe This sculpture represents a local stone circle which dates back to 3000 BC.

3 Here is Difi playing hurling with 4 th class. Hurling is a national sport of Gaelic and Irish origin.

4 Here is Difi with 5 th class playing tin whistle. We encourage musical education at our school.

5 Here is Difi learning Spanish. At Lissivigeen N.S. Children learn Spanish after school.

6 Here is Difi helping with the Daffodil Cancer Charity. At Lissivigeen we like to help out with different charities.

7 Here is Difi enjoying P.E. Everyone loves physical education at Lissivigeen N.S.

8 Here is Difi baking. Hopefully he doesn’t make a dog’s breakfast out of it!

9 Here is the Difi with the Green School Committee.

10 Here is Difi learning to use the computer with 6 th class.

11 Goodbye for now from Lissivigeen N.S. Keep an eye out for more of Difi’s adventures in Kerry

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