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Welcome Priests Parish Staff Volunteers Catholic Charities Corporation Board Members Catholic Charities Staff Catholic Community Foundation Staff.

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2 Welcome Priests Parish Staff Volunteers Catholic Charities Corporation Board Members Catholic Charities Staff Catholic Community Foundation Staff

3 2016 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal Theme* Love Powers Our Mission The 2016 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal theme mirrors the theme of Pope Francis’s recent visit to the US and captures his message of love, mercy and hope, as well as resounds the vision for a “missionary Church.”

4 Timeline (In-Pew) Electronic Versions of Materials will arrive in parishes (late December, early January) Parish Kits will arrive in parishes (January) and include parish manuals, scripts, videos, etc. In-Pew Appeals Announcement Weekend – January 30-31, 2016 1 st In-Pew Weekend – February 6-7, 2016 Mail In-Pew Envelopes to Agilis Monday, February 8, 2016 2 nd In-Pew Weekend – May 21-22, 2016 Mail In-Pew Envelopes to Agilis Monday, May 23, 2016

5 Timeline (Other) Faithful Stewards Solicitation Renewal (December) Solicitation Letter 1 (2-3 weeks prior to the in-pew weekend) Donor Events (March) Solicitation Letter 2 (typically after Easter after all in-pew has been recorded) Online Solicitation (in conjunction with Letter 2 or perhaps in the summer) Telefunding (beginning in June and running through August) Solicitation Letter 3 (typically in September/October) Secondary Appeal for Hungry & Homeless (November) Giving Tuesday Online Solicitation (1 st Tuesday in December)

6 2016 Parish Goals Parish goals must be attainable; they must also allow us to reach the overall Annual Appeal goal. Goal for 2016 is $11,500,000 Formula for 2016: actual dollars pledged multiplied by a factor related to overall participation Most parishes will see their goals remain the same or decrease In addition to achieving the monetary goal, the participation goal is to gain new donors and to achieve a participation rate of at least 30% overall (not just in-pew). Goals will be calculated as late in the Appeal year as possible and sent onto parishes with other parish materials.

7 Importance of the In-Pew The In-Pew Appeal is powerful. The In-Pew Appeal raised $3,436,971 from 22,876 donors. This is 30% of the $11,300,000 goal from 45% of the overall donors. The In-Pew Appeal is still the best way to attract new donors and younger donors. Loss of donors is a threat to our mission. The 2 nd In-Pew Appeal in May brought in 3,400 donors that had not yet made a gift in 2015 and 1,200 donors that were new Catholic Charities donors. The In-Pew Appeal is cost effective.

8 Keys to Success Last year we asked pastors to speak to you and share their secrets to success, here is what they shared: Thank parishioners for their generosity and/or reaching last year’s goal Their generosity matters! Use the video DVD or audio CD to convey the theme The video/audio and the in-pew script lay out your case for support.

9 Keys to Success Keep it local Pastors: speak to something about which you are passionate Maybe it is your parish mission Maybe is it a collaboration with Catholic Charities Maybe it’s a ministry or pet project that has resulted in a relationship with a particular program or service of Catholic Charities Maybe it is pointing out a program or service or support that benefits your parishioners or neighborhood People give to people, so make it personal

10 Keys to Success Follow the script for the in-pew pledge process (It gets easier each year!) The mechanics cannot be underestimated. Pass out the envelopes. use someone other than ushers to do it to signal this is something different, something important. Walk your parishioners through filling out the envelope. Collect the envelopes. Ongoing thanks and reminders

11 Keys to Success 2 nd In-Pew Additional materials will be mailed to parishes. Call to action In-Pew Script Mechanics This is just as important as with the February In-Pew Appeal.

12 Collaboration Fill out the questionnaire. It will help us to work for you. Schedule an appointment to share your thoughts on the Annual Appeal. Feedback from pastors, parish staff, and volunteers influenced change On the In-Pew Timeline On the Preview Meeting format; On the institution of the distribution electronically and by mail of the In- Pew materials; And more… Meetings at parishes helped us to “uncover” stories of collaboration and to offer assistance in facilitating such work. Send me an email: Give me a call: 800.869.6525 extension 1049


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