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Andy Meyers ISAS Chair OC Report ISAS Subcommittee August 2015 Salt Lake City, UT.

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Meyers ISAS Chair OC Report ISAS Subcommittee August 2015 Salt Lake City, UT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Meyers ISAS Chair OC Report ISAS Subcommittee August 2015 Salt Lake City, UT

2 2 OC held their standing committee meeting on July 14 th OC Leadership o Scott Kinney will be stepping down after October meeting o Darren Buck will be taking chair role o OC Vice Chair will be vacant o 2 candidates were nominated  JJ Jamieson  Rich Hydzik July OC Standing Committee Meeting

3 3 OC Vice Chair o 2 ballots were conducted with the same outcome o Neither candidate received the required number of votes o OC chair will take candidates to the December board meeting for decision July OC Standing Committee Meeting

4 4 Path Operator Implementation Task Force (POITF) o Purpose -The purpose of the POITF is to provide direction and support for applicable entities to implement the recommendations and proposed solutions as outlined in the New Paradigm for Path Operations whitepaper. o OC approved updates to Charter July OC Standing Committee Meeting

5 5 Operating Practices & Event Analysis Subcommittee (OPEAS) o OC members approve retirement of the Next-day Study Guideline. o The February 7, 2013 Next-day Study Guideline was replaced by the Next-day Studies Guideline (Studies in the Operations Horizon to Prepare for Real-Time Conditions), dated February 23, 2015 that was approved at the March 24-25, 2015 OC Meeting July OC Standing Committee Meeting

6 6 Operating Practices & Event Analysis Subcommittee (OPEAS) o OC members approve revisions to the OPEAS Charter,  provisions to hold “Closed Session Meetings” for the purpose of reviewing Event Reports that include Critical Infrastructure Data. July OC Standing Committee Meeting

7 7 OC Action Item (SRTF) o OC seeking volunteers for organizational task force o 4.9 review effort only includes the evaluation of the Standing Committees and will not evaluate the structure within the Committees. o The review of the individual Committee structures (subcommittees, work groups, etc.) is being left to each of the Standing Committees. o The OC leadership is planning to create a Structure Review Task Force (SRTF) to evaluate the current OC structure and determine if changes are needed. July OC Standing Committee Meeting

8 8 SRTF o Potential changes may include the elimination of subcommittees or work groups, consolidation of subcommittees, or moving responsibility to other entities. o The SRTF will begin meeting sometime this fall and will probably take up to a year to complete. o Contact Scott Kinney, Darren Buck or Steve Ashbaker July OC Standing Committee Meeting

9 Questions? Andy Meyers – Bonneville Power Administration (

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