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↗ Smarter Balanced Scales, Strands, and Scores Megan Kim, Lake Oswego School District Leigh Anne Scherer, North Clackamas School District.

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1 ↗ Smarter Balanced Scales, Strands, and Scores Megan Kim, Lake Oswego School District Leigh Anne Scherer, North Clackamas School District

2 Smarter Balanced Scoring Students will be scored as level 1-4 plus a scale score ↗1 = Student has not met the achievement standard and needs substantial improvement to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for likely success ↗2 = Student has nearly met the achievement standard and may require further development to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for likely success. ↗3 = The student has met the achievement standard and demonstrates progress toward mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for likely success. ↗4 = Student has exceeded the achievement standard and demonstrates advanced progress towards mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for likely success

3 Smarter Balanced Scoring ↗Level 3 is intended to represent the academic readiness threshold for success in non-remedial college courses ↗OUS and Oregon Community Colleges have announced placement policies for high school students achieving at level 3 & level 4 ↗Graduation standards (Essential Skills) are likely to be lower.

4 OAKS Work Samples Other standardized assessment Through 2013-2014 academic year Smarter Balanced Work Samples Other standardized assessment 2014-2015 academic year and beyond Oregon Graduation Requirements – Essential Skills

5 Essential Skills Update ↗ ODE is currently working to identify an equivalent level of achievement on Smarter Balanced, relative to the former “meets” cut scores on OAKS. ↗ Students will still have multiple methods of meeting the Essential Skills graduation requirements. ↗ Anticipated policy discussion at the State Board in September 2015, with adoption by October. ↗ Essential Skills requirements likely to be below Level 3 on Smarter Balanced.

6 Smarter Balanced ELA Strands 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Speaking/Listening 4. Research

7 Smarter Balanced Math Strands 1. Concepts and Procedures 2. Problem Solving/Modeling & Data Analysis 3. Communicating Reasoning

8 Smarter Balanced ELA Scale GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 3≤ 23662367-24312432-2489≥ 2490 4≤ 24152416-24722473-2532≥ 2533 5≤ 24412442-25012502-2581≥ 2582 6≤ 24562457-25302531-2617≥ 2618 7≤ 24782479-25512552-2648≥ 2649 8≤ 24862487-25662567-2667≥ 2668 11≤ 24922493-25822583-2681≥ 2682

9 Smarter Balanced Math Scale GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 3≤ 23802381-24352436-2500≥ 2501 4≤ 24102411-24842485-2548≥ 2549 5≤ 24542455-25272528-2578≥ 2579 6≤ 24722473-25512551-2609≥ 2610 7≤ 24832484-25662567-2634≥ 2635 8≤ 25032504-25852586-2652≥ 2653 11≤ 25422543-26272628-2717≥ 2718

10 School Accountability ↗ School Report Cards – Summer 2015 ↗ Oregon will not rate schools this summer. ↗ Report Cards will show Smarter Balanced % Proficient (3 or 4) compared with state average ↗ Focus, Priority, and Model schools retain 2014-15 status. ↗ Report Cards won’t show historic OAKS Math, Reading, Writing. ↗ School Report Cards – Summer 2016 ↗ Ratings resume ↗ Identification of next cohort of Priority and Focus Schools ↗ Resume annual identification of Model schools.


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