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Electrical Measurements on stave S4028 Claudia, Fabrizio, Illona After loading, we have done a quick test (RECV) using a single module setup (MAC-based)

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Measurements on stave S4028 Claudia, Fabrizio, Illona After loading, we have done a quick test (RECV) using a single module setup (MAC-based)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Measurements on stave S4028 Claudia, Fabrizio, Illona After loading, we have done a quick test (RECV) using a single module setup (MAC-based) to see if any large damage was there => all 13 modules were fine. LOAD test is on-going (9/13) using a SURF-based setup to run more modules sequentially.

2 We run the LOAD test powering one module at a time. For example at this time, Module 1 is on, the others are off

3 It takes 3 hours to test 4 modules IV scan on mod 2 Dig/Anl scans on mod 2 Test module1 Test module2Test module 3Test module 4

4 MODULES 1-4 TEMPERATURE We run the LOAD test powering one module at a time. However modules are warmer when a neighboring is powered. 510358511213510917510847 Cooling flow

5 In few modules we have observed this typical pattern of bad pixels (they are disconnected bad). More investigation is needed to understand if they are real ones or something else.

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