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SPRING TerraLib e Produtos Educação Catálogo de Imagens Conclusões Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de Geoprocessamento no INPE.

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Presentation on theme: "SPRING TerraLib e Produtos Educação Catálogo de Imagens Conclusões Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de Geoprocessamento no INPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPRING TerraLib e Produtos Educação Catálogo de Imagens Conclusões Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de Geoprocessamento no INPE

2 Introduction Image Processing Thematic Map Manipulation Digital Terrain Modeling Cadastral Mapping and Queries Data and Spatial Analyses Statistics of World Wide Utilization Final Remarks Sistema de PRocessamento de INformações Georeferenciadas

3 SPRING SPRING Introduction - General Characteristics - Web Page for download - SPRING Modules

4 4 General Characteristics Geographic Information System - GIS Developed at Image Processing Division – DPI – INPE and K2Sistemas (private company) Freeware Software – Download via Web ( - Open Source in the Developed in MS Visual C++ with QT interface tool Windows and Linux Versions (Fedora, Mandriva2008, OpenSuse10, Ubuntu 7 e 8) 3 Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish Mirror Sites in Argentina (RUSHH) and Spain Online Manual – Web style browser Functionalities: Digital Image Processing, Thematic Map Manipulation, Digital Terrain Modeling,Storage and Queries for Cadastral Data, Modeling and Use of Networks and Data and Spatial Analyses.

5 5 Download via Web

6 6 SPRING The Main Module

7 7 Import / Export – General View Raster Representations: Tiff, GeoTiff, Gif, Sitim, RAW….. Vectorial Representations: ASCII-Spring, Dxf, ShapeFile, UNG, Surfer-ASCII, … Table Representations: Spatial and NoSpatial Tables Wizard CBERS

8 8 Image Processing – General View

9 9 Image Registration The system provides statistical information in order to control the final quality of the registration.

10 10 Segmentation Segmentation: Identify homogeneous regions inside an image Region: a set of contiguous pixels that are considered spectrally similar It uses statistical attributes to determine similar regions. The user controls the similarity criterions.

11 11 Classification It is based on pattern recognition procedures (objects) The resulting image contains pixels that are mapped to classes of interest of the system user.

12 12 Manipulation of Thematic Maps

13 13 Measurements of Classes

14 14 Buffering maps

15 15 Vector to Matrix Conversion Original Vector Information Matrix structure definition Final Map in a Matrix representation

16 16 Matrix to Vector Conversion

17 17 Digital Terrain Modeling – General View

18 18 Interpolators for rectangular grid models Closest NeighborsSimple Mean Weighted Mean

19 19 Rectangular Grid of Slopes The classification (slicing) of the Slope Image considering the classes (0-2, 2-5, 5-10 e >10) Aplications: Slope Maps and Slicing

20 20 Applications: Geometric Planar Projections Projeção Paralela com Imagem Sombreada como Textura Parallel projection using the shadowed DTM image as a terrain texture

21 21 Tools for queries in the Database

22 22 Table Module (Pie Chart)

23 23 Module of Attribute Grouping : (Total Familiar Gain – Equal Step and Quantil) Districts grouped by Familiar Gains: Central Region: Rich Central Limit: Mean East Region: Poor South Region: Poor Equal Steps Quantil

24 24 Attribute Queries Module * Table showing the result of the query

25 25 Spatial Queries Module: (Topology : Intersection) Example: What are the districts that intersect the north-south line of the São Paulo subway ?

26 26 The Analysis Module

27 27 Santos,S.M., 1999 Kernel Analysis of Point Patterns – Intensity (kernel) Estimator Porto Alegre

28 28 GeoStatistics: Kriging and Simulation Image of the Kriging Estimation using an isotropic model Image of the Kriging Variance N N

29 29 Lineament Analysis

30 30 Spatial Modeling – Suitability Analysis Soil Map Slop Map Suitability Map Simple Example using Boolean Operations

31 31 Download Statistics - Countries Estatísticas de cadastros para download do SPRING (15/07/2008). Por Países.

32 32 Download Statistics - Aplications

33 33 TerraLib Open Source Policy: LGPL - Lesser General Public License Extensive use of DBMS Allows users to customize a solution – “Desktop” – Corporative Sharing – Distributed (Web) Open Protocols

34 34

35 35 Open Source GIS library Data management All data -spatial and attributes- are in a database Functions Spatial Statistics, Image Processing, Map Algebra Innovation Based on state-of-the-art techniques Same timing as similar commercial products

36 36 Operational Vision TerraLib API for Spatial Operations Oracle Spatial Access MySQL Postgre SQL DBMS Geographic Application Spatial Operations Spatial Operations

37 37 Applications Cadastral Mapping Improving urban management of large Brazilian cities Public Health Spatial statistical tools for epidemiology and health services Social Exclusion Indicators of social exclusion in inner-city areas Land-use change modelling Spatio-temporal models of deforestation in Amazonia Emergency action planning Oil refineries and pipelines (Petrobras)

38 38 TerraView DBMS TerraLib Jfddfjh gfsdfgdfssf fsdf fsdfsd sdfsdf Import/Export, Visualization, Image Processing, Spatial Analysis, Spatial and attribute query Grouping

39 39 TerraLib TerraLib Enviromental Modeling Framework C++ Signal Processing librarys C++ Mathematical librarys C++ Statistical librarys TerraME Virtual Machine TerraME – Modeling Environment TerraMECompiler TerraME Language RondôniaModeldynamicaModel RICKSModelCLUEModel Slides by Tiago Carneiro and Ana Paula Aguiar

40 40 TerraME U U U Nested Environments Different parts of the space can have different resolutions (scale) Multi Scale Slides by Tiago Carneiro

41 41 Spatial Analysis AdditionalInformation Natural Disasters Risks Alerts Hidrology and Meteorology Observations and Forecasts Extreme Event Risk Areas Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alert System

42 42 Configuration Interface Linux/Windows Data Acquisition Module Analysis Module Alert Module DBMS TerraLib/PostGIS Presentation Interface TerraPHP Data Transform Service Layer Management Service Sets Uses Users Connects Server A Site I Server B Site II Server C Site III Hidro-Meteorological Data Risk Layers Additional Layers Alerts

43 43

44 44 Courses in Remote Sensing and Applied Computation Introdução ao Geoprocessamento Análise Espacial Banco de Dados Geográficos Mudanças Globais, Princípios Processos e Modelagem Processamento Digital de Imagens de Sens. Remoto Processamento de Imagens SAR Paradigmas e Ferramentas de Desenvolv. de Software + books online, thesis, dissertation,..... DPI courses on Post Graduation Program

45 45 Short Courses (40 hours – 1 week) Courses in São José dos Campos-SP and Natal-RN Fundamentos de Geoprocessamento Introdução ao SPRING Processamento Digital de Imagens Banco de Dados Geográficos Análise de Dados Espaciais DPI Geoprocessing and Short Courses

46 46 We use the SPRING as a general purpose GIS. At INPE we use many other GIS in our applications when it is necessary. For specific applications we have been developing specific tools using TerraLib. (Example: TerraView, TerraCrime, TerraMe, SISMADEN,…) The SPRING/TerraLib and products allow us to have a common GIS platform to change information and experiences with other groups working in geoprocessing stuffs. The SPRING and TerraLib are used extensively by ours postgraduate students in their practical works, thesis and dissertation. We participate on education programs with Courses in posgraduation program Short Courses, basic and advanced, using mainly the SPRING tools Free Distribution of Satellite Images Final Remarks

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