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Miguel Ángel Gil Ciudad Magisterio de Primaria On-line

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Presentation on theme: "Miguel Ángel Gil Ciudad Magisterio de Primaria On-line"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miguel Ángel Gil Ciudad Magisterio de Primaria On-line
ENGLISH LESSON PLAN Miguel Ángel Gil Ciudad Magisterio de Primaria On-line

2 Introduction Parts of the presentation: Lesson Planning.
Objectives, materials and activities. Classroom layout. Developed skills. Methods. Principles of lesson planning.

3 Lesson Planning Lesson number: 2 Objectives:
Group: 4ºPrimary Date: 06/23/ Topic: Parts of the House Lesson number: 2 Objectives: 1. Develop skills in a foreign language. 2. Develop skills in: Reading, writting, speaking and listening. 3. Develop cooperative and individual work. 4. Learn and review new vocabulary. 5. To be able to make simple sentences. Materials: Templates Audios Digital board Computer Text book

4 Invented sentences with unit's vocabulary
Lesson Planning TIME ACTIVITIES PROCEDURE FOCUS EXTRA NOTES 5 min. Warm up Realise exercises in order to beginning the lesson with encouragement needed Attract the group attention This activity helps to mantein the attention 15 min. Learning vocabulary Explain the vocabulary as from listening exercises. The students will repeat the vocabulary individually. Listening and speaking. Individual work. We will use the specific exersices explained in this presentation. 25 min. Invented sentences with unit's vocabulary We will put the tables in groups of four students. Each group will invent sentences as from vocabulary. These senteces will be put as a common for all the classroom. The teacher will correct these sentences. Writting. Cooperative works. Create groups with students of differents levels. Fill the templates. The students fill and colour the templates that containt the lesson vocabulary. Reading and understanding. Visual learning. The students continued working in groups. This activity is funny for them.

5 Activities

6 Activities

7 Activities

8 Classroom Layout Traditional rows:
classroom-setup/classroom-management-classroom-layout/ article

9 Classroom layout Nested tables in groups
classroom-setup/classroom-management-classroom-layout/ article

10 Skills Reading: Vocabulary.
Writting: Sentences with the learned vocabulary. Speaking: Communication in class. Listening: Audio activities.

11 Methods Teaching differents skills. Direct intervention: Grammar.
Corrective feedback. Elements of good classroom practice. Monitoring. Body language. Staging, focus and interaction. Instructions.

12 Principles of lesson planning
Chosen topic: Parts of the house. Order task and activities: Linguistical challenge. Receptive and productive skills. Focus: Teacher and Student. Checking the time.

13 Bibliography Materials unit:
Unit 4. Organising and Carrying Out Effective Lesson: Basic Principles. Ellis, R (2005).Instructed second language adquisition. New Zeland: Ministry of Education. Richards, Jack C. Theories of teaching in language teaching. Further reading: setup/classroom-management-classroom-layout/ article

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