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1. 2 1) Existence of School-wide Expectations 2)Visibility of School-wide Behavior Expectations in Multiple Settings 3) Student Knowledge of School-wide.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 1) Existence of School-wide Expectations 2)Visibility of School-wide Behavior Expectations in Multiple Settings 3) Student Knowledge of School-wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 1) Existence of School-wide Expectations 2)Visibility of School-wide Behavior Expectations in Multiple Settings 3) Student Knowledge of School-wide Behavior Expectations 4) Staff Knowledge of School-wide Behavior Expectations and other Tier I PBIS Markers

3 How was your first walkthrough? Glow and Grow share out… 3

4 4

5 5

6 6 Library/Hallway Playground Cafeteria Classroom Computer Lab/Online Restroom Bus PE Pick a location that can be a challenge to Strive for Five in, and set a goal for you to be your best. What will you do to model what it looks like to Strive for Five there?

7 Pershing Teaching Video BATHROOM SCRIPT What is the staff going to act out? (THE WRONG WAY) What are the students going to act out? (THE RIGHT WAY) 7

8 8

9 9

10 PBIS & Behavior update at every staff meeting….e.g. Important Ongoing Topic Classroom Systems 10

11 Colored card system Step system Contract system Leveled behavior system Points Online classroom management (e.g. class dojo) Other 11

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17 What is one tactic to improve your progress? If you are making great progress towards this goal, how will you maintain it? School-wide Academic Goal progress: School-wide Behavior Goal prgress: 17

18 Behavior Goal Example: XXX school will reduce number of suspensions by 40%. Academic Goal Example: XXX school will improve high school graduation rates by 15%. 18

19 Behavior Goal Example: XXX school will reduce number of suspensions by 50%. Academic Goal Example: XXX school will have 75% of students meet proficiency on district ELA Benchmark. 19

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22 Restitution Student makes amends for the result of his/her inappropriate behavior Fix, repair or clean up ‘problem’ situation Approval/agreement from the person(s) that were offended is obtained that the restitution will suffice Certification of completion from the person(s) that were offended is obtained

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26 New and Improved: Detentions, Saturday School Incorporate a social skills component Behavioral lessons embedded- Detention more meaningful Saturday School Parent training component Early-release days may be another option Hands off academy PBIS academies based on behavior

27 Reflective Activities Student: Reflects on what happened Determines what could be done differently next time Develops a plan Teacher follows up with student at regular intervals Can be combined with other alternatives PBIS worksheets PBIS homework assignments

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29 Peer Mediation Trained peers hear and review both sides of the situation Peers decide the outcomes Both parties must agree to abide by the outcomes Kids come up with very creative ideas!

30 30

31 Cool-Off Passes Ideal for students who have difficulty managing frustration Student receives “X” number of passes for the week Pass allows student to go a pre-determined area to cool down and reflect If student has passes left at the end of the week, and additional reward is earned

32 Behavior Contracts Guidelines: Focus on only one behavior per contract Develop contract collaboratively with student Set realistic time frame and requirements Identify reward if contract is met Identify negative consequence if contract is broken Sample templates: Tough Kid Toolbox



35 Which fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day? 35

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37 “Your systems are designed to give you the exact outcomes that you are currently receiving… In order to change outcomes, you have to change systems.” 37

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40 Website: Email: 40

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