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Welcome C&E Students!  Grab today’s handouts and settle in  Roll Call Question: Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a genie in a lamp?  Bell.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome C&E Students!  Grab today’s handouts and settle in  Roll Call Question: Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a genie in a lamp?  Bell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome C&E Students!  Grab today’s handouts and settle in  Roll Call Question: Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a genie in a lamp?  Bell Work  What qualities should a good American Citizen have?

2 Unit 3 Disclaimer

3  What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?  What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives?  Who was the president during the Great Depression and WWII?  What happened at the Constitutional convention?  Why do some states have more representatives than other states?  When was the constitution written?  What is the economic system in America?  Who was president during WWI  Who is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court  When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?  Who was president when the Berlin Wall came down? Could you pass the test for citizenship?

4  Fought for Civil Rights  Paul Ryan  Franklin D. Roosevelt  The Constitution was written  Because of the state’s population  1787  Capitalist Economy  Woodrow Wilson  John G. Roberts, Jr.  April 15  George H.W. Bush Warm Up Answers

5 Jay Walking  Let’s see if the average American can answer basic questions about their country

6 Reminders!  First Project Due: March 21  Counts the same as a test grade  Keep Checking PowerSchool to make sure you are not missing any assignment. Contact Mrs. Patterson to make up work

7 Responsibility vs. Duty: Take Notes  Responsibility : The things we SHOULD do as Americans  Duty : The things we are REQUIRED to do as Americans

8 Responsibilities of Americans  Be Informed  Vote  Participate in Government  Respect rights and property of others  Respect different opinions and ways of life

9 Duties of Americans  Obey the Law  Pay Taxes  Defend the Nation  Serve in Court  Attend School

10 3.8 Citizenship & Immigration Objective: Compare & Contrast citizenship in various forms of government

11  “ All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and are subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”  14 th Amendment, 1868 Who is a citizen?

12 I. Citizenship by Birth  A. Jus Soli – “right of the soil”: this means your place of birth determines citizenship  1. You are an American citizen if you were born…  a. in the United States  b. in an American territory (Puerto Rico)  c. US Embassies  d. US Military Bases

13  B. Jus Sanguinis – “the right of citizenship by blood”: this means your parentage can determine citizenship  1. You are an American citizen if you were born…  a. to American citizens living or traveling abroad

14 II. Naturalization : path to becoming a US citizen  A. The Constitution give Congress the power to make rules for granting citizenship  More people have become naturalized citizens of the US than of any other nation in the world

15 B. Requirements for Naturalization  1. 5 years of U.S. residence  2. 3 years residence if married to an American citizen  3. The ability to read, write and speak English

16  4. Demonstrates an understanding of US history and government  5. Demonstrates good moral character  6. Children under 18 are naturalized with their parents  7. Exemption: you are granted US citizenship if you are over 65 and lived in the US for 20 or more years.

17 C. Rights of naturalized citizens  1. Same as natural-born citizens EXCEPT:  a. Lose citizenship if you lied during the naturalization process  b. Cannot be president or Vice-President of the United States Remember this drama?

18 D. Collective Naturalization  1. Congress passes a law to naturalize a large group of people at one time:  a. Overseas territories controlled by US: Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico  b. Newly acquired territory by treaty  c. Example: Granting all Native Americans citizenship (1924)

19 III. Expatriation  A. This is a formal renunciation of citizenship by choosing to become a citizen of another country  1. You can lose your citizenship by choice or by violating U.S. law  2. Example: Fleeing US jurisdiction in order not to…  a. Complete military service  b. Serve a prison sentence  c. Pay taxes

20 Melting Pot or Tossed Salad  Take a moment to read the handout on tossed salad and melting.  Which one do you think represents America the best. Explain why.  Could we be both?

21 Welcome C&E Students!  Find your seat and settle in  Roll Call Question: Would you rather face an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse?  Bell Work:  How are responsibilities of American citizens different from duties? Provide at least one example of each in your answer.  In what two ways can you be considered and American Citizen?

22 Reminders  Amendments Project is due March 21  Notebook Check is approaching  Know the difference between duty and responsibility.

23 IV. Alien Status  A. Any citizen of another country living in the US  1. Resident Alien – Citizen of another country living permanently in the US  2. Non-resident Alien – Citizen of another country who plans to reside in the US for a short period of time

24  3. Illegal Aliens : citizens of another country who entered the US illegally (without the consent or knowledge of the US gov’t)  a. Periodically the federal government gives amnesty (pardon) to certain groups

25 V. Diversity of American Culture  A. American Multiculturalism : the idea that several different cultures can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country

26  1. “ E Pluribus Unum ” – from many one: this saying is found on all of our currency  2. Tolerance – willingness to respect others different than yourself

27  3. Affirmative Action – when preferences are given to minorities to correct historical injustices

28 B Melting Pot Theory  1. American immigrants are assimilated into the society and adopt American values and eventually become a single group

29 C. Mixed Salad Theory  1. American immigrants are in the same society, but they share different values and beliefs from one another. They form the sum of many parts

30 Immigration Policies  Read the statement and write down if you agree or disagree or have no opinion.

31 Question 1  There are too many immigrants coming to the United States.

32 Question 2  The U.S. government should put more Immigration and Naturalization Service border patrol agents on the border with Mexico.

33 Question 3  Illegal immigrants take away jobs from U.S. citizens.

34 Question 4  U.S. immigration policy has been fair to all groups entering the U.S.

35 Question 5  If a country is having economic problems, the U.S. should allow its residents to come here for a better life.

36 Question 6  Immigration has helped the United States.

37 Question 7  Having a variety of cultures and languages in America benefits everyone.

38 Question 8  Most immigrants come to the U.S. just to get on welfare.

39 Question 9  Everyone who comes to the U.S. should be required to learn English.

40 Question 10  If a country is having political problems, the U.S. should allow persecuted citizens from this country to seek asylum here.

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